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  1. at least your order are processing. our order stuck in waiting for the payment to be confirmed and already got warning from ICE that the transaction will be voided if waiting to long :/
  2. hello, We have payed for Ultimaker thru wire transfer but how long it takes to confirm the payment? we already warnet by ICE that the transaction will be voided if waiting too long. this is very confusing and scary. We don't want to lost that a lot of money that take a whole lot of our savings. Thanks
  3. Hello, Ultimaker is an expensive printer, we spend our hard-earned savings to order one ultimaker (can't resist the awesomeness of 3D printing haha ). But how to make the payment get verified/OK/received? we have wired the money but did not get any confirmation email about it have been verified/OK/received. What we got is a warning email from ICE saying our transaction will be cancelled if not payed in a week. We have asked to our BANK, and they say there nothing wrong with the wire transfer. Thank you.
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