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  1. Thanks davr, that is a positive and helpful response!
  2. The Cura estimated time is not correct. It seems to be out by a factor of 4 (ie estimated 15 mins, actual 1 hour). Also, can we have the double surface layer height feature please? Great software. I find it far better than the other programs. Keep it up
  3. I did suspect it was related to nozzle size. The width of the text is 0.38mm, my nozzle is 0.35mm. The odd thing is that it has recognised most of the text. The leg of the 'P' has missed but the top of the leg is recognised.. BTW if I run this through Kisslicer it is recognised.
  4. Got an odd one here. Prepared a part to test detail. The detail is there before the slicing and then it disappears after the slicing process. Has anyone else experienced this?
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