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Posts posted by alice-golden

  1. I really like my month-old Ultibake oven, we modified it allot ;) can't wait to show you guys! - and now that I've read you're going to keep upgrading the 'classic' - I'm ok we didn't get it. (but it sure is pretty, nice job!)

    I'm really glad you guys have the right attitude toward customer retention, we are with you, if you are with us!


    one thing,

    my co-builder keeps bugging me - any idea what the time frame is on the heated bed? - pleeeease dont make it too much, as a thank you to the supporting community :) .. Pwwwease' <3 (or maybe a special price for those who bought a maker recently? That would be aWESOme! ..maybe just those who ask, and we'll keep it secret :) .. from what we've read the rest of the bits are great, it's just a highly significant part, maybe the number one request even?, I guess because of the ABS advantage, and I wana make some SHOES! (ps if anyone knows, does size 6.5 fit on the platform? ..maybe on an angle.....


  2. Akkkk! really! .. we knew it!

    our baggie is missing the little brown thing! .. it was brought to my attention a few days ago, while we were waiting for the parts to finish this thing ( which we got now! and it will finally be working tomorrow, I hope :) isn't that a part of the assembly which constitutes the 'hot end' .. we were thinking, what if we have to change the hot part, are we supposed to re-use the little brown thing ... Darn, and I just got a bunch of stuff sent to me.

    Thanks Valcrow


  3. CodeMaven, Yea we were just discussing that those lasers are kinda useless, 'other than pointing stuff out at night, and maybe being a one person rave machine with some little mirrors or something ..lol .. but yea their dangerous. Erik was looking into laser cutters and came across some really promising stuff, we got sucked into all these ideas for more user level applications, but he agrees they are a little inaccessible to fit in a ultimaker ... for now.

    liquidbuddha, Wow see! We knew it!, this fits right in with what Troy and Erik were talking about!

    We both grew up with startrek on in the room, and I always knew we get there one day! SEE!! we started this thread knowing other people were ON to this, and the verse told us :geek: I agree these ideas will be realized, then when we have them, I can just say 'Computer, tea, earl grey, hot' ..LOL except myself I'll say: computer, juicy cheeseburger! .. and while you're at it, a new silk dress, and diamond necklace! ... but for now I'll settle for ABS pumps and the cool earings anja is making on Youmagine :D .. I'm gonna do some cool ones too!

    Indeed this new industry seems to be changing every week now, talk about exciting! and now with the Ultimaker2 we are getting that'much closer... BTW, Utimaker, I bought my unit a month ago, can we get the heated bed?, I want to use the ABS I bought, but we don't want to build a bed, is it compatable with UM1? .. can I have a deal? :roll: teehee..

    Anyway, This is awesome, now I have the whole familly reading about this stuff, my dad wants some little parts to fix stuff around the house, my mum wants some gardening things, even my cat wants a heated bed!, ..errr umm, I mean toys. :rolleyes:


  4. The parts came!

    And I would just like to say Ultimaker was quite generous ;) Thank you

    SO I'm hoping I'll be able to put the final parts together tomorrow, and I'll get this thing wORkin! AWESOME!

    I have at least 50 items lined up to print, but first we are gonna do all the test printing thing-a-ma-jig-ers, and make sure it's all lined up. sOOO excited. I'll post everything up somewhere to show the whole process, stay tuned!

    Thanks again Ultimaker!



  5. CodeMaven, [ This is Erik again.. i guess i should just make an account eh.. :) ]


    OHH MY G*D!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?! HAH! .. That looks like Einstein and Jordy Laforge got together and made 'My First Di-lithium Easy Bake Oven' !! I'm amazed! .. I bow to that level of enginuity sir! .. well done!

    So whats all that set you back? ( and dare i ask what other time-travel toys you've created? ) like 100k ? .. more?


    ____ Cannot link these particular pictures :( Please Click link to see:

    ____ https://plus.google.com/photos/102544598518008997408/albums/5446036776929888833?banner=pwa&gpsrc=pwrd1


    .. I ... wow ... im guessing jules verne personally visited you, and left you with his nest egg.

    Anyway, give me a moment, i need to take all that in, .... ok so i hear you about the alternatives available for different applications of metal printing, circuit etching, and well .. Transwarp subspace dark-matter sintering', with an extra interpanitary travel setting... o_O .. i went through that list you linked for a while, different tool heads, verrrry interesting! .. and I'm particular to whatever is basicly accessable and/or lower cost for the average person, thats what really pushes all this stuff forward - more people interested and getting their hands on equipment for testing.. I guess the streingth in numbers thing ... anyway, i'm particular to the 1W+ laser setups .. I was looking into getting one of those hand held starwarzy jobies they have online, wicked laser i think it was called, i know i've read that they can be cranked right up, and active cooled, aimed through some apertures and used to produce quite an effect - i know theres all kinds of other lab style set-up stuff that would be better - i just also like that you could take it with you and cause some alien landing sequence out in the forest ... :) .. so the user-level (inexpensive-as-possible) addons to say - an ultimaker, that raises a brow, I'd love to have all these pro machines made into cheaper home applications / kits.

    anyhoo, i really think you should continue your work!, you definetly look like your 'on to stuff, and i know we would all benifit from it one day, hats off to you sir for walking the path i hope to travel one day, first, Alice and i will be venturing the simple printing path, and making some door stopps, and cat toys ..heh' ... she just told me she wants to make shoes and earings, and her mum wants a new selectable hose sprayer head for the garden ....... and i would like an active interdimentional phase inducing coil, and later maybe a flux capacitor, i have an old 240Z that i could make look strikingly like the delorean, with a little elbow grease .... but we'll see how it goes.

    i just cant believe how interesting all this is!, we Must take home fab and production to the next level. future genereations will look back at now' and see us as the pioneers, and thank us! IT IS SO fitting the ultimaker is made out of wood! - honestly think in 50 years what all this will seem/look like to our grand kids .........

    i knOW the next major step is printing circuits, and getting |that| much closer to disconnecting from big industry.

    We need to get Erik (hey that name is familliar) to then have an IC board section to YouMagine! .. Get all these designs out there!


  6. CodeMaven, This is Erik (Alice's friend), do you think we could just talk with JPL or Nasa about how to develop a extreme high temp alloy - cobalt / solid-carbon / ceramic extruder Head for the conductive filament, and likewise a companion high-temp fiament for insulation/structure - it would be layed out at a near-extreme temp, and then when it cools it would have high versatility, or otherwise the effect we are looking for?

    And how about for such a thing - A CHILLED PLATFORM, or whole Chamber - with liquid nitrogen in a loop or something - is that crazy? - maybe make each wafer/layer separate, then fuse them together after?

    Everyone talks about a 'Heated' bed - how about a 'Chilled' one! - 'as options for such a specialized tangent of an idea.

    I can just imagine who ever can pull that off would litterally be written on the cap stone/marker for this revolution ;) i mean - doing it at hOMe! woahh

    anyway im gonna check the link, thanks!, and take a look around ... i'm sure theres a way, then we could bring the self replicating factor up near the 99% mark .... motors and chips would be the last ... Come ON StarTrek!!

    ohh BTW TNG is on Space channel just now ....... gtg ..


  7. Hi SandervG,

    Ok first I would just like to say that Marrit from Ultimaker has been helping me continuously for days about my machine!

    I'm really happy about the responce I'm getting, I Feel this is a great company that has it's stuff together! And thank yOu very much for offering help too :) I'm positive I'll be needing it .. lol

    First testing revealed that 2 of the motor-driver boards wern't responding, and they're not, they're DOA, the other 2 that Are working we used to iron out the problems I was having with the main board, I thought the whole thing was %#*@ .. howeverrr - Silly me didn't know that the extruder/material feeder output/motor doesn't run unless the 'head' is nice and heated! I'm sure it's written sOMewhere, but yea, lol ... maybe thats something we could put in the instructions in the feeder section so silly girls like me know! :) Thanks Marrit. .. I'm new at this....

    WARNING: To all the Noobs out there that dont know this - The MATERIAL FEEDER DOESN'T RUN IF NOT HEATED!

    (use the prepare/preheat command to get the head hot, then control it)

    Anyway, that came about because I didn't get THAT far in the initial testing, one limit switch wasn't working so I was stopped short in the Cura 'Sanity' testing, and didn't get to test very much - also the majority of the parts fer the feeder were unfortunetly not included.. :/ ... and the screws that were missing was a whole bag, like a big one - 70 to 100 pc's err something .. ouch ... But like I said, I'm sure it was just a freak accident, it's ok :)

    I believe all is worked out now! - I'm waitin' for a reply from Ulta-help for when the parts will be sent, then I'll get this little monster hummin'! - ohh and I just haVE to run the Zelda theme song on it - LOL - we saw that on youBoob, and you have NO idea how badly I need that file! .. :D I played that game on my brothers nintendo when I was like 5, I made it pretty far, and that gannon dude was a bi*%@ch stealin' the keys and whatever .. I'm gonna go back and kick his ass one day..

    But I digress, SO yea just waitin'on an email ... I'll keep you guys updated! You have a great day too Sander! :)


  8. OMG wow! .. I really need to look around more, thats prettymuch exactly what I was thinking! .. I'm amazed . thanks for the links guys! ...humm .. I'm wondering how far people could go with it in terms of vibrancy and selectability of the colors ... like in the code could be the 'mix' ..and you could control an entire palette of colors .. like a reasonable ammount of gamut ... then eventually be able to print the full gamut with specialized filament err whatever.. now thAT would be cool.


  9. oh my friend is gonna be happy, he wants to make whole circuits or whatever, he was having one of those 'IMAgiNE whAT you Can DOO with THIS!' 'moments ..lol

    but I can see the benifit of eventually being able to print out all the electronics for this stuff too ... hummm

    I can see the first person to do that would be remembered forever!

    just need to make better filament


  10. Ok so I have an idea, hardware upgrade! - What if a specialized extruder head could be made to allow 3 filaments into the head, saaaay Red Green and Blue, then by having the 3 feeders control the ammount, you could effectivly 'mix' any color! - you'd have to get creative with how it works, but these are the things that quite allot of people are asking, the 'but can it do that' advancements that really turn heads - atleast it's on the list for the girls I've talked to .. lol :)

    Or, How about this, even better!

    what if someone developed color filament based on the specific temperature it was extruded, like the 'Mood plastic' they have on those cards or in those rings,

    I found this on amazon:

    Stress Card, Mood Card, Plastic cards

    BLACK = Tense

    RED = Nervous

    GREEN = Calm

    BLUE = Relaxed

    Warm Hands are Relaxed, Cold Hands are Tense.

    The stress chip shows ... bla bla bla

    I know that would be quite a chemistry exploration, but imagin if you could offer a single filament, that could be ANY colour, or atleast within a range - based on temp


    ohh and while your at it, a sparkly line of filaments, especially clear.


  11. Ok, so just having another moment pulling quintessence from the ether, and we were wondering if anyone is working on the ability to have dual extrusion - with one output being a high-tech MODIIFIED solder filament - or otherwise some kind of metalic suspension that has electrical properties, and one could litterally print-out circuits!

    They would be somewhat simpler, limited by the accuracy and reliability of the special filament, thicker (maybe), with the other nozzle printing insulation layers - or otherwise the entire object! - with the IC pathways internally routed through it, then solder in your switchs, resistors, capacitors, transistors, leds' etc.

    Anyone who can develop such a substance would OWN this market .. just sayin'

    (and thats what happens when I let my engineer friend type ..lol.. thank you Erik)


  12. Hey Valcro, Oops i got it wrong - we are missing parts for the Material Feeder - not the extruder, we found this near the end when we had used most of the parts, lol .. yea there was a couple times we thought something might be missing, but we had everything layed out on a separate table and it was all there, well almost. I understnad with such a large assortment of parts it increases the chances of missing stuff, so ..blehh .. but i'm sure we'll get it up and running soonz' .. I just wrote a ticket thing, I'm guessing they'll see it tomorrow.

    the wait continues...


  13. Hello CodeMaven - Troy :)

    Nice you're from here! how is it there? - I have a bunch of friends that moved here' from england - and a few that moved there - from here ..lol ... it's like an exchange thing between our countries :D ..and illuminarti ended up in the States .. heh .. Yea it came really quick I was so excited, the staff at Ultimaker are great .. they just need to check the boxes more when sending stuff, there is ALLOT of bits and pc's in it I know, but 5 mins or less on each box would be great for us' .. anyway, maybe I can work for Ultimaker just checking the packages ..lol

    Cheers mate!


  14. Hey SandervG, Yes I was very excited to get the printer so quickly!, a few things came up and just clobbered my attempts to get it built, guhhh, but I came back now and ..well /as above/ and I'll be happy to show everyone my prints and share the videos, but I'd really like to get this figured out first, also a friend of mine is thinking of ordering a unit as well to his place in london, and then bringing it here ..errr something, and we were thinking of making an official step by step video - from scratch - on how to make it properly, like 4 or 5 hours long, and you can pause it :) ... but thats down the road.

    Anyway, now I'm going to write to Ultimaker about the missing pc's .... blehh

    (I'm holding back being mad btw. can you tell?)


  15. I'm Back! But theres' a problem !!!

    Well a couple actually.

    I just got back from my wonderful trip to vancouver, T'was nice :) I wanted to put together the machine before going but some things came up. Anyway, so I got back a few days ago, and we quickly poped the kit out and basically had a rave in my basement for 2 days putting it together. ...lol.

    Unfortunetly, there were some problems right off the bat.

    The got-to-be biggest bag of screws M3x16mm was missing,

    if you've put one of these together you know you need like 80 or so...... crap.

    I didn't like the way that was sounding, but rather than make a big deal ( I'm sure it would be fixed ), we quickly looked around for screws - couldn't be that hard right -- wrong! .. welcome to Imperial country! - we found them after searching forever at a hobby store, but in the end it cost me no less than $45 dollars for the screws (and he gave us a deal) - apparently it's near IMPOSSIBLE to find metric anything here, we checked brafasco, fastenall, parts stores, hardware stores, you name it! .. Gahhhh!

    Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to just finish building the printer before saying anything incase there was anything else potentially wrong - I mean I asked if the kit could be checked before coming ......... ... anyway.

    that was really frustrating.

    So we went through the instructions, at some points it sounded like martian laguage to me, but luckly I had a translator, there is definetly a few places we wrote changes to the instructions to make more sense out of it, I'm guessing it's from making revisions and not combing through to make corrections, or just changing a line of text and a pic and not looking at the whole thing. It could have been better at a few points where you find out that you need to dismantle half the thing to do something that should have been mentioned earlyer - out of order! .... anyway if you have a good techie person with you we got through everything alright, I'll add my 2cents to the blog thing where we made corrections/suggestions.

    We got to near the end and found that there must be a whole bag of parts missing for the extruder - it's like MANY parts, I wont detail it here, but I'm sure they'll send them to me, ::sigh:: it's sitting there now - not working, and we are sad. :(

    Also there's something wrong with the main board, but I'm going to discuss that with Untimaker.

    I really hope I can get this fixed soon, because I'm really excited about printing a few ideas I've already scetched out, my other friend is digitizing them for me, I'll show you guys when it's working. I hope X o_O X

    Anyway, aside from all that, I would just like to say, this thing is soLID - at first I was like wood?, but NO KIDDING - this thing is fit together like 'tigher than tight! , it becomes an entirely solid mass that feels really well built, I'm sure other materials would be stronger/heavyer, but I'm satisfied this will be just fine to print stuff. I cant wait to see it in action!.

    I'll keep you guys updated.


  16. [ Copied from the welcome section ]


    IT CAME!


    I'm so happy! This is awesome!

    I officially ordered/paid for it last tuesday, and it came yesterday! (well I actually missed the guy, and he came back today :p ) So thats less than a week! !! !!!


    I would just like to say again, the whole process was completely painless and I felt totally supported the whole time, the sales team - and everyone else I talked to - was totally excellent and professional. Thanks Ultimaker!


    For everyone ordering to canada, there was no duty, it was $200 and change' tax at the door (COD), which sounds right, cuz it's 13% GST tax here right now... I think. The grand total with 4 rolls of filament, spare hot thingy, the Ultacontroller, insured DHL shipping ($130ish), exchange fee at the bank for - CAN to Euro ($20 I think), was just under $2,400 - Ouch I know - if your reading this thinking thats allot - well when you go through the steps, and see the charges 1,200 Euro for the machine - extra stuff - shipping - tax - and so on, you can see it's not that bad, and you can really tell it's a boat load of serious Tech stuff! I mean, the box is dense HoLLEY, and from what I can tell so far, it's extra heavy-duty pro parts - my dad says getting these parts made, and finding them at stores, never mind shipping/travel - would be much more expensive in the end.


    The box looks pretty good, just a few bumps, one corner got smushed a bit, I know theres some horror stories on here, but the packing looks ok, the inside is fine and everything was really secure in place, it's like triple thick cardboard and packed really well ;)


    So now I've opened it up, and I took some pics - I made a cheesy unboxing video for all those asking out there ..lol

    hope you like my artist strong hands ...lol


    So I will wait for my helper to put it together, hopefully tomorrow, I called him and he sounded like he fell out of his chair when I said it came today - he said he's gonna clear the schedule to assemble it !!


    So I really hope all the parts are here, and everything is in order.


    I'll report back soon!




  17. IT CAME!

    I'm so happy! This is awesome!

    I officially ordered/paid for it last tuesday, and it came yesterday! (well I actually missed the guy, and he came back today :p ) So thats less than a week!

    I would just like to say again, the whole process was completely painless and I felt totally supported the whole time, the sales team - and everyone else I talked to - was totally excellent and professional. Thanks Ultimaker!

    For everyone ordering to canada, there was no duty, it was $200 and change' tax at the door (COD), which sounds right, cuz it's 13% GST tax here right now... I think. The grand total with 4 rolls of filament, spare hot thingy, the Ultacontroller, insured DHL shipping ($130ish), exchange fee at the bank for - CAN to Euro ($20 I think), was just under $2,400 - Ouch I know - if your reading this thinking thats allot - well when you go through the steps, and see the charges 1,200 Euro for the machine - extra stuff - shipping - tax - and so on, you can see it's not that bad, and you can really tell it's a boat load of serious Tech stuff! I mean, the box is dense HoLLEY, and from what I can tell so far, it's extra heavy-duty pro parts - my dad says getting these parts made, and finding them at stores, never mind shipping/travel - would be much more expensive in the end.

    The box looks pretty good, just a few bumps, one corner got smushed a bit, I know theres some horror stories on here, but the packing looks ok, the inside is fine and everything was really secure in place, it's like triple thick cardboard and packed really well ;)

    So now I've opened it up, and I took some pics - I made a cheesy unboxing video for all those asking out there ..lol

    hope you like my artist strong hands ...lol

    So I will wait for my helper to put it together, hopefully tomorrow, I called him and he sounded like he fell out of his chair when I said it came today - he said he's gonna clear the schedule to assemble it !!

    So I really hope all the parts are here, and everything is in order, I'll keep you all posted on my progress and I'll try to put together a little video and upload it when I'm done.



  18. iluminarti, yea BC is beautiful, the air is so fresh, and the people are so chill, and I've been to Quebec at least 20 times now ..lol .. Its just north of me, LOVE the poutine! Thats cool you're English, do you still have the accent? :rolleyes:

    Valcro, wow really' you got the machine that fast eh, I was reading around that it may take much longer, I guess we'll see, I REALLY hope it comes fast, cuz then I will have more time to build it before I go on a trip next month ::crosses fingers::

    and yea, I think I'll likely be using 3Ds more for it, I'll have to go through all the tutorial stuff my dad has again to learn it, but I've been into design on computers since I was 14, so I think I'll be alright. :p

    Ohh and I haven't had the chance to look at it more, but I saw briefly in the new photoshop that there is more extrusion 3D abilities, definitely not like other programs, but I think there may be a way to do more curvy/abstract/"direct from graphics" 3D stuff in photoshop, I'll look at it again later, but that would be cool for stuff that doesn't need to be super accurate ^_^

    Yea, I'm gonna grab the (Cura I think it's called) software just now, and mess around with it.


  19. Hey guys, thanks for the Suggestions,

    JonnyBischof, I've read a bit of stuff about upgrades and some changes to make to the machine, like direct drive the motors, belt tensioner, fan upgrades, and now pulleys, I'm making a list of all the possibilities, and I'm really glad you just finished building one, I'm likely going to need some help, thanks! ohh, and one thing i'm really lucky for is I have access to lotts of tools! :)

    anyway, so far the ordering process has gone well, I completed the bank transfer, and now the wait begins!

    I think I'll post mostly in the welcome section, but I'll put the ordering experience here specifically.






    finally the wire payment has been made through the bank, So lets see what happens next, I'm really excited to start printing stuff!


    I would just like to say the sales team at Ultimaker have done an excellent job helping me to feel better about sending so much money to the other side of the planet ..lol.. I was apprehensive at first, beside my car and my computer, this is the most expensive thing I have bought! But they have been really helpful and answered my emails quickly, and I am convinced this will be great!


    So now the wait begins :)


    Thank you guys so much for your help, as I'm positive I'll need it ..lol

    My dad has taught me allot about building things, and I have some friends who are practically wizards with techy stuff, but for the rest of the time, I'll definitely be coming back here for all the help I can get! :geek:


    Hi illuminarti, yea I wonder how many people in north america have machines? And, I think I've driven through memphis before in one of my trips south of the border :) Have you ever been to Canada?


    Hi SandervG, Thanks, and yea, my friend is from finland, something about you euro techy guys is fascinating, not afraid of anything complicated ..lol .. he helped convince me we can build this thing, I'm excited!


    Hi Valcro, T-DOT in the House! ..loooool, I was hoping I wasn't the only person here from ontario, good, did you get a machine yet? and yea, I'm not so bad in photoshop and a bunch of other arty programs, and I learned a bit of Zbrush, autocad, 3ds.. with my dad, but yea I'm about to start learning more, and I'm hoping the software that comes with the machine is good too, at least I know I have my monster compooter to power it :p


    nice to meet you guys, I'm sure I'll be asking you many questions :huh: Beware!


    Cheers X2!



  21. Hello Ultimaker forum!

    I just posted a large greeting in the Welcome section, and I'll be ordering a kit to canada, the extra controller, a spare hot end thing, and 3 rolls of extra filament (4 with the free silver one)

    I'm really excited as I've been researching this technology for a few months now and I'm ready to take it on! I'm really glad I'll be having some help from a friend to put it together, it looks really complicated!

    I've made the decision to send payment from my bank, as I don't really like the idea of paypal wanting to attach directly to your bank account :/ .. I've never been told I couldn't use a credit card before - strange, I've used it hundreds of times with no problems, Meh'

    Anyway I'll keep you all posted on the progress and experience!

    Cheers! from Canada!


  22. Hello Ultimaker WORLD!

    I'm going to be ordering a kit today with some extras, and i'm really Excited!

    I talked to Marrit from Sales, and They were very helpful and replied to my multiple Emails in less than a day!

    I had some questions about making payment with other than Paypal, as they request to be attached to your bank account directly, and that sounds creepy, the system said that I couldn't pay with a credit card, which was strange, since I have ordered items from all over the world hundreds of times, including a full water cooling kit from Aquatuning and EK [ yes I'm a geek, I had help overclocking to render design and video faster ;) plus I cant stand the Vacuum cleaner video cards ..lol.. ]

    Anyway, I was directed to the Business payment details page, where I will be making a payment directly from my bank, hopefully it all goes well !

    I was asked to make sure the funds are converted to Euros before sending, and I'll let you all know how it goes, as I'm sure there's likely other people surfing around here trying to find out exactly how to get one of these machines ordered.

    I'll be grabbing the main kit, the controller thingy, a spare hot end (it's already expensive so what the heck), and 3 extra rolls of filament (which makes 4 with the free silver one)

    I'm crazy excited, I've been reading into this tech for a few months now, and I'm going to take the plunge!

    I'll have some help putting it together from a Engineering student, my friend Erik ( I read theres a guy with the same name behind the invention of this machine too, cool, guys named Erik seem to be really smart :) ..lol )

    Anyway, I hope I can get help from the community on how to make this thing work, theres' so many things I want to print, and hopefully I can make a market for something and make it pay for itself !

    I'll keep you all posted about the process and I hope I really like it!!!

    Cheers! :-P


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