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Everything posted by peatdocs

  1. Dear makers, We are a start-up company that wants to introduce a new technology for product-user interaction, which will be assembled with additive manufacturing. We want to focus on makers since we believe this is a group of front-running early adopters that like to tinker with new innovative technologies. We are looking for makers that have ever produced, or are still working on making some kind of interactive products. Would you like to fill in this short survey, this will help us a lot, and give us better insight in the demands of the maker-movement, so we can fine-tune our technology to better fulfill your wishes. Note that this is not meant as an advertisement, but plainly focused on getting a better insight in the mindset of what troubles you, giving us an opportunity to valuate the feasiblity of the technology we would like to introduce. The survey will take no more than 5-10 minutes! http://www.survio.com/survey/d/Y2I3F9G6Z7Y9X2H2R if you would like to help us out! Thanks!
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