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  1. Thanks for comment! I will probably try to print it again with some of these settings. I am just thinking about the infill value you suggested. So if it is 0 this means that my model will have only tiny shell and will be very very fragile ?
  2. And here is my first ever 3d print in raw quality! (10 cm long) here you can look at all angles . https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1152054/Finished%20Raw%20Model/2.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1152054/Finished%20Raw%20Model/3.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1152054/Finished%20Raw%20Model/6.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1152054/Finished%20Raw%20Model/5.jpg At first we started to print hands and body at the same time and at some point one of the legs broke. I think it is because the printing nozzle was making long movements between the two models and so it affected somehow on the printing process. This is why the fingers also look unfinished. On the second run we only printed the body and the speed was 175% While printing I noticed that the upper levels were quite soft and they were shaking slightly. This is probably why some parts look like mess a bit I am planning to do another attempt but this time I would like to print it 15 or 20 cm. I hope the bigger scale will help to keep more details. Anyway I would like to hear what do you think about this result ? Maybe there are some options which could reflect on the quality of this type model?
  3. Hi again! Took me a lot more time to make fixes than I thought. Anyway, fixed around 90% or maybe 100% of the bugs(fingers crossed :-P ). Here is the updated version with new fixes UndeadRogue_WOW_Fanart_3DModel_v.2 Preview in Cura I invite all to print this model and tell me your opinion and I hope you wont find any huge bugs there! I am going to print it myself tomorrow at local library. Booked 4 hours for it. I hope it will be enough.
  4. Thanks for great tips again! I will post new updated version with all the fixes you mentioned today at around 12 pm and you can print it and do what ever you like with it (except form mass selling I suppose :-P ) And I also would like to clarify that the main lowpoly design is done by Blizzard and I did the high poly fan art of that design. Those who played Wow will know this epic armour set for sure !
  5. I see what you mean and I have cura but when I look at the layer mode it looks exactly as the base ultimaker test model and I cant see any issues. However you might be right. I tried to close the empty space in problem areas like shoulderpads but maybe it is not 100% closed. Anyway I ll try to make more fixes tomorrow and post the updated version. Here are some cura pics
  6. Ok. I have optimized the model and I hope it is ready for printing. I have devided the model into two parts. So the hands are separate. Here is the link for the model and you can try to print it yourself and tell me if there is something I should fix or add. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1152054/UndeadRogue_WOW_Fanart_3DPrint.rar
  7. There is a great feature called Dynamesh in Zbrush. It will close all overlappings and make on mesh
  8. Thank you very much for some good tips! I will be able to optimize the model. Will post some updates as soon as I will get the optimized version.
  9. Yeah I got Cura but I havent read the manual yet. It is awesome if I can preview the result. Need to try it. I can also give you the file of this model but first I need to finish it. Will take few more days as I am doing it in my free time. Btw, do you know the best optimal polycount ? I am about to decimate it in zbrush but I am not sure how far I should go with poly reduction. Is it ok to have few millions of polys ?
  10. Hi all ! I am new here. :-P There is a new awesome 3d printing service in my local library and they have ultimaker. I am very exited and I actually was making one character recently. It is almost finish just requires some minor polishing but I would like to be able to print it. But before I go there and do that I would like to ask your opinion and maybe get some tips in order to get best results. here some pics > I am a bit worried about the teared up cloth parts because they look so small to me and also do you think I should cut it in parts or is it possible to print whole model at once ? PS. It will be posed and will have basic stand Here you can see the original low poly model and the pose I am going for
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