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  1. My first attempt "230c" print. Yet I still have times I get under extrusion or simply full layers missing at random. Happens most often when printing at 0.1 or 0.05mm layers not so often with 0.2mm
  2. Finally worked, no warping at all, it printed perfectly! I reduced the speed to 40% during the night to make sure it would print properly, build plate temp was 75c after slowly upping the heat slightly over time from 70c. Nozzle heat was 210 in the last half of the print, also slow reduction, it overshoots quite a bit. I'll keep experimenting more with the tips I got. Thanks everyone for your help!
  3. Yes I noticed some PLA sticking on the tip from the very beginning, wiped that off as i paused for the photo. So far it hasn't rumbled, but what would be the best thing to do if it did start to do so over previous layers mid print?
  4. Thank you for the tips, so far it seems the layer is holding perfectly thanks to the new settings. I'll try to use 230 or 240C in future prints. I have updated the images, sorry about that, not used to making a separate gallery outside of the posting of a topic. But I understand why you'd like to keep links working for future references. I'll post more once the print is done or failed once again.
  5. Was printing on 0.3mm first layer, printing on 0.2 now, set nozzle to 215 and using brim, see the images below. Let me know if this might work or not? So far no warping but might happen in the next few layers.
  6. Thanks for the replies! I'll try a run with Brim and hope it won't warp... This one shows a more flat surface, I had a variety of different surfaces from even smoother than this one to more gabs. I'll try setting the temperatures higher in 5 degree steps and fiddle more more with layer height and let you know how it goes.
  7. Hello, I received my Ultimaker 2 a few weeks ago and made some great smaller prints so far, but recently I'm working on a slightly bigger print but found that the material won't stick enough and is warping quite a bit at times. I releveled the bed countless times, printed with bed temperatures from 60 to 75 and in between. Used several different rolls of PLA material, it's a correct 2.85/2.90mm. Also printing with speed 50, this helped a lot but not far enough yet. Also fiddled with the material flow a little and the print temperature as people on this forum mentioned but no success. I tried a clean glass bed, tried using hairspray (super hold/strong) and glue but nothing seems to help. Maybe I'll have to try the ABS acetone mixture if that works properly with PLA... rather be hammering a print off the build plate than have it pop off half way by this point. The problem is the print just pops off the bed after printing due to the warping, making supports just fall off half way and sometimes the print head will start ramming itself into the print due to the warping. Hope anyone can help me, I'm out of idea's. Here are some pictures of the problem.
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