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Posts posted by iakovos

  1. Hi,

    I've been looking into this myself and replied to another pre-existing post recently asking the question. I've searched the forums extensively and I have come up with a number of results but not a definitive/confirmed answer.

    In one particular case, going back a while, Daid suggested that SDHC cards should *not* be used, as there was a risk of a print restarting mid-print, which could cause numerous problems if such a card was used.

    I am not sure if this only applies to the ulticontroller/UM1 or stands for the UM2 as well (which in my case I am particularly interested for).

    I would like to use Eye-Fi cards myself to avoid the inconvenience to me, and the wear and tear on the controller/SD card reader slot of changing cards all the time. Unfortunately these can only be found in SDHC cards these days.

    A confirmed/official answer would be most appreciated and I am sure would answer more questions that I expect to see in the future, especially with the difficulty of finding non SDHC cards increasing these days.

    Also, it would be good to know if SDHC cards are not supported currently if there are plans to change that? Is it a firmware/software fix or is it a hardware limitation?


  2. Hi there!

    I would love an answer to this question myself!

    Namely, it is becoming a bit of a task to insert/remove SD cards constantly to print/tweak. I, myself, am looking for one of the Eye-Fi cards (for those who are not familiar, SD cards with wifi chipset on, so you can copy files to them while they are still in the printer).

    This should save a lot of time as well as the possibility for wear/tear/damage to the SD card pins if we can lower the amount of inserts/removals.


  3. Hi guys,

    It is quite difficult to convey how loud and abnormal it sounds. For what's worth I think mnis hit the nail on the head with the word "resonance" there... It really does sound weird and amplified in person.

    I've lowered the acceleration through the maintenance > advanced settings from 5000mm/sec down to 3000 and it seems to have helped a little bit.

    I will source some anti-vibration washers and will see if that helps and allows me to keep the acceleration at the original setting and will let you all know how that goes once I've tested.

    Thank you all for your replies and your time!


  4. Hi all,

    I am a happy new owner of an ultimaker 2 printer and have been over the moon with it.

    I have been of course calibrating and tweaking to make sure I can get the most out of it and aside from some really small things that needed a bit of a looking at (pulleys not aligned, one of the long belts being very loose, etc) it has been fantastic and producing really nice prints.

    I have had, however, one issue with it where while printing that is driving me crazy. The small movements on the z-axis where the platform moves 1 layer down for the next slice to print seem to produce a strange and loud noise. I am really not sure what exactly word to use to describe it.

    I have a sample video online to give you an idea, but in reality it is much louder than the video suggests, as the phone I took the video with was pretty much right next to the fans during the print.


    When the platform moves up or down at higher speed there is no noise that sounds abnormal, it only seems to produce this while it's moving very slowly (1 layer at a time).

    I have lubricated the screw with the included grease (as you can probably see in the video) in an attempt to rule excessive friction on the screw/platform out, however this does not seem to have helped. When I very slowly move the screw by hand with the printer off/motors disengaged, I cannot replicate the sound either.

    The sound is loud enough to be audible from a different floor in the middle of the night when trying to sleep.

    Any ideas of what could be causing this? Any help would be appreciated!

    Kind Regards,



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