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Posts posted by dgonz

  1. Hi all,

    I have a new Ultimaker clone that works in every way except that (After only 1 successful homing sequence) none of the 4 stepper motors will even try to move. When i first turned on my UM, I ran the Auto Home sequence and it worked just fine. It never moved again after I upgraded the firmware to the latest version of Marlin. No noise from the steppers, they don't even get hot, not when I jog it from the Ulticontroller, nor using the Cura print XYZ jogs, nor if I try to home it from the Ulticontroller or from the New Printer Wizard. The Ulticontroller screen still reads that every axis is at 0, as if it is aware that the motors are not moving. Is there some drive enable setting or debug setting in hardware (an incorrect jumper) or software (Some debug setting in the latest Marlin) that is preventing the drives from moving? I did not fiddle with the driver potentiometers, nor have I done anything that may have caused the motor drivers or the Arduino to fail.

    The highest voltage rail from the supply is 20VDC. Checking the pins to the motors, every wire is at 0VDC except for the Y Axis, which reads 20VDC for each wire. The Y motor is not remotely hot, however, so there is no current flowing through it.

    Thank you all.


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