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Posts posted by grigori-chulaki

  1. Awesome explanations. Thanks!

    I'm still figuring out how to set up the replicator2 ini file for X3G, as it seems to cause more issues when i supply my own ini file (and can't seem to find the settings in X3G's native scripts) such as extra errors.


    (line 1) Semantic warning: M140 cannot select non-existant heated build platform

    (line 4) Semantic warning: M190 cannot select non-existant heated build platform

    (line 9) Semantic warning: Z axis homing to minimum endstop

    (line 12) Semantic warning: Z axis homing to minimum endstop

    (line 26347) Buffer overflow: input exceeds 1023 character limit, remaining characters in line will be ignored

    it prints, but for some reason at 220C (detrimental to my filament performance) and quite slowly. Makerware's rafts are far better and has a intro leveling line. I'm willing to deal with it all, but I desperately need to print at 230C (and that's my Cura input). I can't get any replies from the X3G google group and I'm starting to wonder if Cura implementation is feasible at the moment.


    Thanks everyone for being so quick and generous.


  2. Dear Daid,

    First off, thank you for your dedication and forward thinking. Cura is certainly interesting.

    Secondly, in any video demonstration of Cura's slice view, the slices are ON the buildplate, but when I switch from normal view, the slices are always displayed to the left of the buildplate. Is this causing the issue I get when I run the GPX script? I cannot tell whether my input file is bad, the script is poorly written, or if I just don't know what the next possible command is. Since I'm not prompted with a y/n scenario, I'm in the dark.

    Thanks for holding my hand; I hope this will be useful for someone.


  3. and i've gotten 1 step further into uncharted territory. Any help?


    ./gpx -m r2 /Users/xxx/taperedtube3.gcode taperedtube.x3g

    (line 2) Semantic warning: M140 cannot select non-existant heated build platform

    (line 5) Semantic warning: M190 cannot select non-existant heated build platform

    (line 46815) Buffer overflow: input exceeds 1023 character limit, remaining characters in line will be ignored

    (line 2) Semantic warning: M140 cannot select non-existant heated build platform

    (line 5) Semantic warning: M190 cannot select non-existant heated build platform

    (line 46815) Buffer overflow: input exceeds 1023 character limit, remaining characters in line will be ignored



  4. Hello everyone!

    I'm in the same boat as Anton, though hopefully he or someone has gotten further than myself. There are no instructions and I don't know if I can run this script on OS X, but I'm giving it a try. Compiling is no problem, but upon running the script, I'm definitely in a bind. As you can see, I'm not good at this, but I'm at a loss with the limited scope I have.

    Please help. I'm abysmally tired of makerware's remedial ways. Were I to be printing the same x3g file day in, day out ..there'd be no problem. However, we're making constant adjustments and new designs, and are in need of a smoother pipeline (CURA!!!) for this 3D printing endeavor to be profitable, which will allow us the resources and inspiration to branch out to reprap and/or UM. This is not to say that we're not enthused. If anyone running OSX(or otherwise) has any insight to offer, I'll be glad to share the progress.


    Grigoris-MacBook-Pro:~ grigorichulaki$ gpx -c r2 taperedtube3.gcode taperedtube3.x3g

    -bash: gpx: command not found

    Grigoris-MacBook-Pro:~ grigorichulaki$ cd downloadsgpx-2

    -bash: cd: downloadsgpx-2: No such file or directory

    Grigoris-MacBook-Pro:~ grigorichulaki$ cd downloads/gpx-2

    Grigoris-MacBook-Pro:gpx-2 grigorichulaki$ gpx -c r2 taperedtube3.gcode taperedtube3.x3g

    -bash: gpx: command not found


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