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Posts posted by grasshorse

  1. Well that was easier to remove that I thought. Amazing things can happen when you read the assembly manual! Anyway, I have the temperature sensor out of the heater block. It looks fine. No noticeable damage. I figure I should leave it in the braided cover until I receive a new part, so I can possibly use it as a snake. Any other thoughts?


  2. I'm confident in my abilities to remove and replace the sensor. I don't have experience with the Ultimaker, but I also print with a Rostock Max which I built from the kit and have upgraded significantly.

    My first idea was to remove the screws that hold the fans on. I got to that point, chickened out, and put the head back together again. I looked for build information online and found the open source files and looked through the assembly manual. Seems like it is a bit involved, but workable. I imagine that I will have to take the head of off the carriage, to disassemble it enough to be able to get to the set screw. I'll have a look at it now.

    I guess I didn't fill out enough of my account information. I located in Southeastern Iowa.

    Thanks for your help.



  3. Here is an update. I have checked the temperature sensor and it is not reading anything but 0.L with the head in multiple positions. I was getting some readings, but then I discovered that it was me touching the leads of the multimeter with my fingers. Like gr5 instructed, I taped the lead to a header pushed into the sensor's plug and did all of my readings that way.

    Anything else I should be checking?


  4. Hello,

    I have received this error on our Ultimaker 2. The printer was running fine and I was in between prints when this error came up. I have seen that people have posted similar error messages and some refer to the bed. My error does not reference either the bed or the hot end. Can anyone tell me if it doesn't reference the bed, it is the hot end that is having an issue?

    Also, does anyone know of a source of parts in the United States for replacement? I'm anxious to get back to printing.

    I would appreciate any insight anyone has to offer.

    All the best.



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