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Posts posted by sitinthehall

  1. Firstly, I apologize for bumping a mildly old thread, but since I was having the same issue, and this was the one of the first threads I ran across after a Google search I figured I might throw in some advice.

    I just ran the auto-tune function on my E3D hot end. After a little bit of piddling, I found that I could get it to run without over shooting the temperature range by pre-heating the hot end to 200. The G-Code needed should be M104 S200 in Marlin. From what I've read, others might have issues trying to run the auto-tune on a heated bed without pre-heating the bed.

    Anywho, my results were:

    Classic PID

    Kp: 9.12

    Ki: 0.41

    Kd: 50.98

    PID Autotune finished! Put the last Kp, Ki and Kd constants from above into Configuration.h

    Hope I helped!


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