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Posts posted by heathenx

  1. Thanks for the reply, Daid.

    My starting and ending gcode is identical on all slicers that I've tried. Here's what I have in Cura right now.



    ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
    ;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}
    ;Print time: {print_time}
    ;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g
    ;Filament cost: {filament_cost}
    ;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line
    ;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
    ;G21 ;metric values
    ;G90 ;absolute positioning
    ;M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
    ;M107 ;start with the fan off
    ;G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
    ;G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
    ;G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm
    ;G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
    ;G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock
    ;G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
    ;G1 F{travel_speed}
    ;Put printing message on LCD screen
    ;M117 Printing...
    G28 ; home all axes
    ; ***start of purge line***
    ;M320 acceleration enabled for all commands that follow (DISABLED TEMPORARILY)
    ;M201 X850 Y850 Z200 E10000; limit acceleration (ENABLED TEMPORARILY)
    G1 Z0.2 F6000.000; move to first layer height
    G1 X90 Y-90 F10000.000; move to front of build plate
    G1 X-90 Y-90 E24 F1000.000; extrude a purge line on the build plate
    G4 P2000; wait for ooze to slow
    G1 Z0.0 F6000.000; lower nozzle height to bed
    G1 X-90; wipe nozzle
    G1 Z0.2 F6000.000; move to first layer height
    G1 F10000; ensure fast travel to first print move
    ; *** end of purge line***



    ;End GCode
    ;M104 S0 ;extruder heater off
    ;M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
    ;G91 ;relative positioning
    ;G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
    ;G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
    ;G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
    ;M84 ;steppers off
    ;G90 ;absolute positioning
    ;####Rostock Max####
    M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
    M140 S0
    G28 ; home X axis
    M84 ; disable motors
    M106 S0; turn off cooling fan if on (M106 S255 = 100% on)

    You'll notice from the starting gcode that I try to run an "anchor" line across my plate to help purge filament before I run the skirt and then my part. I understand it isn't necessary but it's a little extra purge.


  2. I have this very same problem on my Rostock Max v2 but I'm unable to fix it. My printer just refuses to lay down a skirt before my print starts. It's like my extruder is starving for filament. Right now I have to play games with it if I want to use Cura (which I really like Cura by the way). Basically I run my skirt about 20mm outside of my part and run about 6 or 7 paths. By the time it finishes the skirt I've just barely squeaked out some filament and my print begins. This behavior doesn't happen if I use Simply3D, Slic3r, or MatterControl's Cura engine. It has me baffled. Once the actual print begins I get wonderful results. This issue is the only thing keeping me from running Cura on a regular basis.


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