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Posts posted by jesse

  1. Thanks, I actually just figured it out and it's MUCH dumber problem than that.

    The power supply was plugged into the wall and into the Ultimaker... but... it was loose in between.

    I realized there had to be something wrong since the MOSFET was only being fed 3.4V and you said it should be seeing 19V and low and behold there was the problem on the floor with the powersupply having the wire loosely attached.

    Thanks a bunch!! It seems stupid but I probably would have spent weeks trying to figure that one out.


  2. The only issue on the given trouble shooting list that seems to be an issue is that the print head is cold (I can touch it no problem), however checking the leads at the PCB (arduino shield I believe) there is no voltage there. Is this to be expected?

    Also, should I be trying to upload a different firmware? Since the communications with the device seems to be down with the recent update.


  3. So I just attempted to connect to an Ultimaker that has been sitting around the lab from a previous researcher. Using Cura I got about as far as the Checkup part which told me I was having some temperature issue, following the troubleshooting guide only proved that I had neglected to plug the thing in however did not solve my problem. In a blind attempt and hope to resolve the issue I finally tried to upgrade to Marlin firmware (which I had skipped before) and now I'm just in a state of perpetual "Checking the heater and temperature sensor".

    Any ideas on how to move forward?


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