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Posts posted by tunell

  1. Interesting, I'll look into the firmware and see if it's something that could be easily integrated.

    As to the changes at Makerbot, since stratasys became involved, it seems some internal politics may have led them to release their new printer long before it was market ready. We run several Replicator 2 and 2X where I work at goretex medical. I've personally been using Makerbot since the TOM days. We were excited when we got the gen5 printer, but it was kind of a nightmare. And we're only one of many many users that have downgraded back to the R2... Which Makerbot just discontinued, probably because it was undercutting sales on their newer (inferior) machines...

    It's a long story.

    Anyway, thanks for the tips, guys.


  2. Hello, I'm new to the ultimaker forum and I do not own an ultimaker. I'm a long-time Makerbot user, but I'm eying the ultimaker more closely due to changes at makerbot.

    I have a question for you guys, though.

    I've implemented and launched a filament monitor that interfaces with the makerbot firmware and triggers a print pause whenever a filament problem is detected. My device flips the voltage on a GPIO pin on the makerbot motherboard (a repurposed endstop)

    I'm wondering if such a feature exists in the Ultimaker firmware. This would allow my device (or others) to put the bot into an active pause state for any reason.


    Here is the device I've designed, included are videos and an off-page website.

    Can this be supported by the Ultimaker?



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