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Posts posted by willysnowman

  1. Here is what I did. I chose the components after some very careful engineering and because they are what I had on hand. :)

    I used a acrylic cement (i think any brand will work) and a syringe with a applicator needle.


    I had to sand the face against the glass. I believe the hairspray on glass keeps it from getting a good bond.


    You then apply the acrylic cement around in drops (not puddles). It will seep in. You want maybe a few surface drops when you connect the two together. I also applied some drops into the seam. I actually worked pretty well. It wicked right in and didn't leave much discoloration.

    I did not try is but is my be beneficial to add solvent to both sides. I only applied to one side. Be careful, too much will get on your fingers and show up on the outside when u clamp.

    Then stick together. I would guess you have about 15-30 seconds to align.

    The bond is stronger than the PLA layers. Clean up is easy since the stuff evaporates. The syringe proved reusable. The only disadvantage I see is this stuff evaporates quickly. It does not appear to have much of a shelf life (but maybe the top was not on tight enough??).

    Use lots of ventilation!



  2. Essentially, anything "cloud based" read - 'on other peoples remote computers via the internet' - can never be as easy and as quick as something running locally on your own machine.


    I disagree. They can tweak both hardware and software. They are experts. I am pretty good, but I am not an expert. They can also afford much better hardware.

    +There is only one hardware and software vs what ever hardware/version of software the user is using in a traditional CAD offering. Therefore, you don't need an army of tech support folks.

    But I do like ur attitude. Let us know how it goes. The above is all in theory. :)


  3. In 1990 I was using Autocad on DOS (before windows). I know that product line is not obsolete because I bought some items from that same company about 6 months ago. The Autocad data, however, is obsolete. The sent me a solid model. Running that same DOS based Autocad on my current computer (too fast) would be a chore. Point being, data progresses.

    My hunch is CAD will move towards a more standardized format. The company with the most users will set the standard. OS has a pretty good model to get lots of users. I would be more worried about using Solidworks.


  4. Here are the main benefits for me:

    1. No Cad Station Needed (Onshape)

    2. No Network Needed (Onshape & GrabCad)

    3. No PDM Needed

    4. No Cad Skill needed for my Customers/Vendor to view/measure

    5. Pointer to only one single model (Onshape)

    #1-3 mean big cost savings to me + NO WINDOWS!!!. #4 is important since I am miles away from my customers and vendors. #5 (wishful thinking) means I can get metadata such as price and delivery from the vendor thru the model.

    I can't say I have it worked out. I can say I am moving in that direction. My server moving more and more to being just a backup.

    My bank account is online. My email correspondence is online. Why not CAD?


  5. This looked interesting, right up to the point where it mentioned being a cloud service. I don't do that, I think everything being pushed to the cloud is an abhorrent development.

    I feel kind of sad, a fresh look at Solidworks style designing could be very valuable.


    I used to hate the cloud. Cloud, however, is a BS marketing term.

    I think of it as paying for secure server space. IMHO It is far cheaper to pay someone than do it myself. I mean, I can hack something together, which I have with a Windows Server. But it is a pita. We then VPN in. I have to set up a VPN for each user. Security? I followed what was recommended. To me it makes sense to let professionals handle it.

    I just started to use GrabCad Workbench with SW. I don't care if they do call it cloud. I like it.


  6. To get into the forum you have to register with a different name. Most Likely because someone already has your name?? I could not get in bc someone already had "Bill".

    This is what they sent me:

    This is a known bug. Steps to fix this:

    * Log into Onshape

    * Click on Manage account (upper right) Type in a unique Nickname

    * Click save on your profile

    * Click on the ? menu

    * Select Forums

    * Click on your Nickname by the Sign in with Onshape button




  7. You have to sign up to use it. Click on sign up link in upper right.

    Onshape and 3DFusion are different breeds than Spaceclaim which I consider good software. In Onshape and Fusion, I can share/edit my data real time with anyone in the world with internet access. I don't have to worry about ram, processor speed, video card, network connections, PDM, etc etc etc.

    Now let's walk back to 1995. Solidworks just started shipping seats. Autodesk announced Mechanical Desktop. After using Autodesk AME (anybody remember this?), I was all over Solidworks like a fly on shit. The program was considered featureless, but it quickly developed. It was one of the best moves of my career.

    Now they are back!! And they have broken away from Windows!!!

    I just need to figure out if it works before diving in. That's what you guys are for. :)


  8. Interesting. I kinda think they hit on something, but I can't say I fully understand it yet.

    I looked at Fusion360 (have not tried it). It seems more geared towards Industrial Designers than MEs. +It's Autodesk. They will make it into a BMW. I want a Miata with the seats ripped out and a rollbar. My goal is to lap the fat pigs.

    I would be interested in getting some feedback on shared projects here. The software is free for now. It is an incredible way to share source files. You can quickly have ten versions of a design. The only issue is no STL, but I am sure they can add it if there are enough requests.


  9. Ahh. It kind of seems like there is a mechanical slip (spring) and electrical (but not electronic) slip.

    My thought was something like a Stratasys mechananism, only different.


    I would use two drive wheels, but only drive one. The second one would be coupled to a simple encoder for feedback.


    Mechanically, I can do this without a problem. I would machine the parts, wheels can be hardened toolsteel, housing aluminum.

    I don't really know how to implement this into the controls. I would suppose the controls would want to go a certain number of steps. The encoder would let you know if you made it. A set slip would fire an error and pause the print.

    This is still pushing the noodle rather than pulling, but I think it will work for +80% of what I do. I ideally you would want to pull the noodle and push a minimum distance.


  10. I looked at some of the designs here. Very interesting.

    Here are my thoughts:

    If I had to explain this from a mechanical standpoint, I would say that you want to grab a piece of flexible filament radially and apply a force and movement axially in two directions. The diameter of 2.85mm varies in some range. The cross sectional profiles varies as well. The hardness of the material and the modulus of elasticity (stiffness) of the material will vary. I don't have numbers for anything. I just know there will be a range the feeder will need to work within.

    I don't think you want complete control of the material. You want some built in clutch action or slip. This would be if things go wrong; such as too much feed. The material will slip in the roller rather then break something else. I saw this in a http://www.tridimake.com/2013/03/which-hobbed-bolt-for-filament-feeder.html.

    There seems to be some sort of software clutch working as in video below. How does the software know when to click back like in this video? Does the motor over amp and reset?


    Can anyone explain what was happening from a controls standpoint? If I could measure the actual feed of the filament, could the clutch be software driven?


  11. If you google "ultimaker enclosure" there are more than a couple designs. I've thought about this myself for sound, more consistent prints?, and smell. I solved the smell issue by situating the machine near the bathroom and turning on the fart fan.

    I will probably buy a gorilla shelve and enclose a level with sound proof material. I will do something similar this to control the temp: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2013/05/01/using-arduino-in-bread-making-at-home/ but using a fan.

    I am not sure about what ambient temp the electronics can handle?


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