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Posts posted by 12th-man

  1. If the PTFE piece does need to be changed out often then it is a major design flaw, Ultimaker needs to be responsible for changing the design of this part ASAP or they are going to loose customers. I can't afford to and don't have the time to keep replacing parts to keep the machine running. I understand that parts wear out, but this soon?


  2. I was/am having the same problems as above. My prints looked like garbage. The filament wasn't sticking to the bed plate and warping real bad. I cleaned the nozzle multiple times, adjusted my bed plate temp and filament temp to no avail. So finally after reading many post and landing on this one I followed what Flashp0int did:

    I dismantled the head in order to check the Teflon.


    Turns out the Teflon has some sort of dent on one side and not on the other. Could this be the reason that prevents proper retraction and flow? It seems to be on the side where bowden tube might pressure the material into the teflon piece.

    Since I do not have a new Teflon piece and need to be able to print I filed the lip off of the Teflon to smooth it out. I also disabled retraction in CURA. I also adjusted some more settings:

    Retraction settings on the machine 2.0mm

    Bed Temp. 70C

    Flow rate 115%

    Nozzle temp 214

    speed 85%

    I also added a raft to my part, really sucks getting it apart, but it worked. So with this temporary work around I am able to print now. I will order a new PTFE coupler and change my settings back to see how it works.


  3. I am new to 3D printing so please bear with me. I have printed several items either from the web or from files that have been drawn in SolidWorks. One of the issues that I have not been able to solve is how to print a radius or chamfer that starts out at the build plate that is being printed outwards. That print portion turns out like garbage. Once the print gets ot a verticle portion and starts to print inward the job turns out great. I have adjsuted a few settings like quality settings down to .06mm and had the fan turn on full at 1.0mm. I also turned up the print speed and turn it down with no effect. I am prinitng parts that I need so they need to be done correctly. One file that is an example of my problem is http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:93798 . The bottom turned out like garbage but the remaining portion turned out great.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


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