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Posts posted by tomvld

  1. Yes, it is definitely an 'old' printer and it has worked fine for me the last couple of years without any major problem. But after finishing a print I wanted to preheat for another print and suddenly the printer shuts off. I didn't do to, or modify anything on the printer.

    Personally I don't think it's a power supply issue since the printer can be switched on, the problem occurs when I want to increase the temperature.

    This afternoon I will measure the resistance in the heater cartridge, do you have any expierence with that? Can you suggest me some cables/connectors that I should measure?

    Thanks for your suggestion!

  2. Dear all,

    I have a question relating the X, and Y - motor. I think I received two wrong motors with my Ultimaker Original kit. All the motors with the long wires have a flattened axis (see the attached pictures).

    Does anyone of you know if I can still use them as X, and Y- motors or should I really have the round axis instead?

    If the latter is the case does anyone have a suggestion with which step I can continue my build?

    That would be really helpful!



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