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Posts posted by jamo

  1. Hey all,

    I just wanted to let you know that everything worked out. I installed tinkerMarlin and it's great :). Had some troubles with the Arduino drivers though but in the end I got it all to run thanks to gr5's great support also in other threads here in this board. Awesome work dude, thanks!

    My long print now worked out perfectly. I also generated the gcode with the recent version of Cura now etc, maybe this also helped, who knows :)

    Thank you guys!


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  2. Hey gr5,

    Thanks for your reply. I already read about the tinker version of Marlin, but didn't fully get it. My plan was for tomorrow to get the recent versions of Cura and the Ultimaker firmware and try again. What exactly is Marlin? A different firmware for the Ultimaker? Continuing a print and having more infors in the display sounds pretty amazing to me.



  3. Hey dude,

    Thanks for your reply!

    I'm printing from the SD Card. I don't fully get what you mean. You say it might be related to the file size, but you had no troubles with an 80h print and a huge file? That correct?

    The hint with the power fluctuation is a good one! I will check on that but I actually think that's not the case for me. I am working in a physics department and the printer is located in one of our laboratories. If there would be power fluctuations, we should notice that in all our measurement devices etc. But I will definately try to check that again, good point.

    Anyone got other ideas though? Can the file size really be the problem? Or that I create it from an *.stl file?



  4. Hey guys,

    We have an Ultimaker 2 in our institute at the university and lately it runs really incredibly good!

    But 2 days ago I ran into a problem. I was printing a "large" file which took about 32 hours or so to print. The file itself is roughly 90 MB. I started the print and everything runs fine for quite some hours. When I came back the next day for a check, the nozzle just stopped while the build plate was still up. So it just stopped printing.

    I had no idea why but also didn't look into this deeper.

    Today the same thing happened with a different print. Again a long print for like 22.5 hours. The file size now was around 46 MB. Starting the print was fine and printing for several hours was alos fine. When I checked in the morning, it was the same situation again. The movement has just stopped, the nozzle and build plate are cold but still are in the last position of a print.

    I have no idea whats happeing here. We are checking our Ultimaker also online with OctoPrint and there I saw in the status area where it says "printed" it was something like "16 of 46 MB", and this didnt change. Maybe that was the point where it stopped?

    Is there a possibilty that the RAM is overloading or so and the Ultimaker cannot handle such "big" files?

    Hope you guys have some ideas.



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