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Posts posted by dustbin111

  1. This time with pictures!

    This image shows Cura's dimensions of exactly 109.15mm from end to end (axis is through the screw holes).


    This image shows the actual part comes out 110.83mm.


    Which leads to the holes not lining up as seen in this image:


    I did not notice any large gaps in lines, however I will be re-leveling the build plate before next print.




  2. I'm trying to make a part with some pretty tight tolerances between two screw holes.

    The dimensions look good in the design software (Blender), look good in Cura.

    But when I print, the piece comes out too big (by like 3mm across a 110mm piece). It causes the screw holes not to line up.

    Is this a problem with Cura's translation to gcode?

    Or is there a sizing/scaling issue on the Ultimaker 2?

    Are there any maintenance functions, utilities, or settings i should be looking for to make sure it prints accurately?

    Thanks in advance,



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