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Posts posted by only-me

  1. Hi all,

    I've had the Ultimaker 2 since mid July, printed only a few times. Was doing a print at the beginning of last week when the Ultimaker began to fail to extrude material and made weird clicking noises. Have tried raising the temperature to 260C to burn off potential blockages but has been to no avail. Have sent Ultimaker so called "support" emails to seek advice and received nothing, zero reply other than the automated response. Shockingly bad support for a product that is so expensive! I could have (and now with hindsight, should have) purchased the same printer via Amazon for a slightly cheaper price as well but decided to go direct as I wanted to support them and cut out the middle man and expected a better level of support. How wrong was I should have purchased via Amazon and have their extra support in dealing with problems.

    I don't really want to go around poking about with unscrewing and taking the printer apart as it would likely give Ultimaker an excuse to void any warranty. As I have not received any support from Ultimaker, I was wondering whether any kind Samaritans on this forum would be able to kindly offer any advice and suggestions for things that I can try to resolve this problem without unscrewing and taking the printer apart?

    Many thanks in advance.


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