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Posts posted by monika-twigg

  1. Brilliant :p

    Thank you.


    The only way to make a DRM system work is to actually build it into the printer's hardware.

    You'd need to replace the Arduino platform with a platform that connects to your cloud system, downloads an encrypted package containing the sliced model. Then decrypt it on the printer and print it.

    That platform would need to be very well built in order to not be hackable. Then, you just need to give people a reason to buy that platform. Maybe as Apple how they do that :D

    I'm not suggesting to actually do that - my point is that it's pointless to do that and if there was a printer with such a platform, I wouldn't buy it and tell all my friends not to buy it.


    I know it would be useful to have such a platform for professional designers to sell their superior products for 3D printing. But I'd rather have them come closer to the open source ideal than the open source 3D printing world to come closer to DRM.


  2. Too much hassle!

    Any other site you just download the stl model, use the default,or tweak the cura settings and let it print!

    To go your route, its register, download and instal some soft, use your soft for set up and tweaking, need to be online!

    What advantages are you claiming?

    I can see plenty of disadvantages...


    Yes. Why would we do that? hahaha. You will see. God said people do things for a reason. :p


  3. Hey guys. I am Monika from Novomaker.

    Some of you might remember I've post a video about Novomaker, it's an under construction platform of repository of 3D printable designs, a marketplace. (http://www.novomaker.com, make sure you have http:// for the address)

    I am very glad to tell you that our website is launching soon. Before we go public, we have the platform's printing operating demo now. Now I am looking for people who have ultimaker 2, and would like to invite you to test printing a small robot model with our cloud-printing platform. I believe it will be sth good to experience, hope those with ultimaker 2 who have time and interest can help me test it.

    Please send me email, I will reply you with how to test it. Or you can send me private message through this forum.

    Email: monika@novomaker.com



  4. Hey, Craftee. What kind of project you are doing in the University? Sounds interesting that you are printing so big amount of models for study. Curious :p


    I have considered using 3dhubs to purchase prints. But the reason my classmates and I need a 3d printer is because we will end up printing many things over the course of 5 years+ which will cost us well over $2500 if we were to print on 3dhubs. On top of that I will have more control over the print quality and print time. Trust me I have taken many things into consideration and just buying a UM2 is the most cost effective and will give architecture students more control over their work.

    So back to the original question.



  5. Hi, ChrisR. You don't pay for print, you pay for print right which means it's like appstore, you buy the app, you use it for lifetime. And just after the print start, internet connection is not required during the printing process.

    Thank you for point it out which we didn't make it so clear. :) comments are welcomed. comments that helped us can win giveaways :p


    If I understand this right.... ?

    This is like http://www.thingiverse.com/

    and https://www.youmagine.com/

    which are both free...

    But if I used NovoMaker... I'd have to pay per print, have my UM2 tethered to my PC which in turn would have to remain on throughout the entire print duration, while also needing to remain connected to the internet for however long it took the print I've purchased to complete?

    Why would I want to do any of this? :???:


  6. Actually, just after the printing start, it will not take any broadband width to stream data from the internet. Even you stop Internet connection during the printing process, the printing still goes on normally. Thank you very much for pointing out this misunderstanding. We could make this video more clear later :)

    About addition support prior to printing, our platform will generate support and do slicing after user finish settings.

    I can understand that it's not as convenient as SD card printing. The reason why we make it this way is to protect the designer's copyright. The patient you spend for this inconvenience right now contributes to the intercellular property protection and sustainable development for 3D printing design.

    I really appreciate your ideas. You will not regret a visit later :p



    Am I being a bit slow here?

    You send the STL from the cloud directly to the printer. But my UM2 only prints via the SD card. A missing link here then!

    Since UM say that you should only really print via the SD card and not directly by cable, I have never tried this method.

    There are many online prints that require the addition of support prior to printing. For example I am working on Left Shark right now. His fins will not print on their own.

    Also, I don't think that I want to tie up my computer and slow down the internet stream for the hours that some prints take. I have pretty good broad band, but the children would notice and complain while gaming or watching films.

    So overall I think I will be ignoring this site.


  7. Cool. good to have someone from same place.

    You have an ultimaker?



    Me too :) located just outside the north 5th ringroad.

    Happy Chinese new year!

    Maybe you should print a sheep to celebrate the spring festival.



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