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Posts posted by biggsstudio

  1. ok. I like the idea of the quick print profiles. So I decided to try the high quality quick print with support structure turned on. Cant seem to get a good first layer. Maybe my bed is not leveled? I thought it was but maybe i need to level it again? Seems like the nozzle is dragging across the layers and sometimes it seems like the flow of PLA is not coming out like it should. sucks when this happens. Very frustrating.



    Seems like the beginning first layers are the most stressful because i get mixed results.


  2. Hey guys! I just got my ultimaker 2 and am printing some designs I made. I am happy with the results but I think it could be better but not sure what settings to mess with in Cura or on the machine itself. Im new to 3d printing but totally nerding out on it and im obsessed! I just want to be pro at it. Here are some pics of my print:

    not bad... but could be better?


    this is the top. Im pretty sure this is due to me setting the infill to 10%... my bad. the top would probably not look so bad and holy if I just put it up to 20-25% infill.


    and here is one thing I cant figure out. The layers look a little inconsistent. towards the top you can see some of the layers look like they are separating or something.


    other then that it just seems like I can get the face looking a little more detailed.


    Im very excited about all this and dont get me wrong, im happy with the results, I just think with a little tuning this thing would be really awesome.

    I used Cura and have my settings on the normal defaults with 0.1 layer height, 0.8 shell, 10% infill (probably needs to be higher?), 50 mm/s speed, Brim and supports from bottom plate up. Took about 17 hours to print. I used the glue stick it came with, and all the usual default settings on the machine. I dont really know what to tweak. I want good smooth resolution and detail. I actually printed the wheels separately. Anyone got any ideas?


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