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Posts posted by LEGO_Fett

  1. -I forgot to mention I am printing with the Silver Ultimaker PLA that came with the machine. I haven't changed the temperature setting so that should be the default of 210. I will give 225 a try.

    -I will also listen and watch for clicking. I haven't noticed anything yet, so I think this is OK.

    -If I go to the Advanced Settings, they are still on the defaults so the speed settings are (in mm/s):

    Infill speed: 80

    Top/Bottom speed: 15

    Inner Shell speed: 60

    So these should all be set to 0 to so they use the same speed as the general print?

    Outer Shell speed: 30

    So that could be set to less than the basic print speed (so set to 10 or 15 since basic print speed is 20)?

    Thank you for your help.


  2. Hey Guys,

    First post here. I am working with a a new Ultimaker 2. Prints were going fine for a while, but I am thinking I now have a problem with under-extrusion. See below:



    Settings Were:

    Layer Height: 0.08 mm

    Shell Thickness: 0.8 mm

    Enable Retraction: Checked

    Bottom/Top Thickness: 0.08 mm

    Fill Density: 24%

    Print Speed: 20 mm/s

    Support Type: Touching Build-plate

    Nozzle Size: 0.4 mm

    Support Settings:

    Structure Type: Grid

    Overhang Angle for support: 60 degrees

    Fill Amount: 27%

    Distance X/Y: 0.95 mm

    Distance Z: 0.15 mm

    Can you guys confirm that this is an under-extrusion issue, and what I might be able to do to combat it? I have tried the Atomic Pull Cleaning Method several times recently after a bunch of stuff got melted to the nozzle and I was coming out clean. I have printed a number of times since then, but the under-extrusion seems to have started around that time, and slowly gotten worse. I tried another version of the print with thinner layers and 100% fill. That came out OK, but one corner curled up a lot and the overhang for the cavity in the middle on the underside was pretty rough.

    Any help or insight you can provide would be much appreciated.





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