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Posts posted by aflock07

  1. GR5,

    Yes Sketchup creates nothing but infinitely thin walls, but I believe you can create an interior wall and an exterior wall which makes a solid shape in a given model. For me it's the easiest program for modeling, however if you have something better for optimizing custom .STL files I could really use some suggestions.

  2. Hello,

    I am on my 3rd print ever with my new Ultimaker 2. I was able to print two things that were already on the included SD Card. Then I modeled something in Google Sketchup and exported as a .STL and brought my design into Cura. Then I saved to the SD Card using the the SD button at the top. When I load the SD Card into the machine and select my design, I notice that my file shows up but the machine has "no information" regarding the print time. Then I hit print, the print platform goes up and it says "Print Finished" and the platform goes down. The file must not have any content, and I don't know why. Please help.

    Thank you,


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