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Posts posted by Print3r_Space

  1. Thank you for the reply! Last night I changed my nozzle temp from 240 to 230 and that helped tremendously. There are still bumps but not nearly as many.

    I will try slowing it down to 20mm/s tonight and see if that helps and I will try a large nozzle. I will also try cleaning out the nozzle - it's due for a cleaning anyway...

    I'm in Chicago - thank you for the tip to update my profile - I just filled it out.

  2. Hello All!

    I am in need of assistance. I attached a photo of my issue. Suddenly I have been getting "Boogers/Warts" on my prints. I can't figure out why and it's driving me crazy. I use my printer for work and I print the same parts over and over and I've never had this problem before. I haven't changed any of the designs or the gcode, nor have I changed the material. I've done some research and I'm leaning towards this being a moisture issue but I am not hearing popping while printing and I even tried a brand new spool of filament.

    Here are some specs:

    -2 year old Ultimaker 2

    -Olsson Block

    -Original Feeder

    -Printing with ColorFabb XT Green at 240C, 70C Build Plate, 50mm/s speed

    Here is what I've tried doing in hopes of remedying my situation (all done separately):

    -Leveled the build plate

    -Printed on a clean build plate

    -Cleaned and lubricated all rods

    -Tried brand new roll of XT filament

    -Tried other filaments (ColorFabb PLA and ColorFabb nGen)

    -Set extrusion to 95%

    -Set extrusion to 105%

    -Printed at 90% speed

    -Replaced nozzle with brand new nozzle (.4mm)

    Like I said, I'm going crazy. I made no changes to the printer, design, or the filament before this started happening. If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank You!



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