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Posts posted by Amigogogo

  1. Hi,

    I have the same issue and have two theories and a (possible) solution that i havent tried out yet, due to my deadline at this moment.

    Theory 1: Grinding/pressure of the feeder - Due to the back and forth movement of the feeder the wire is chewed and the accuracy of the feeder is lost. This happens when you have a model that is built up from fine segments/line whatever you want to call it.

    Theory 2: Because of the same situation named above (fine detailing) just a little amount of material is used and so the wire stays in the nozzle too long and starts to boil and vaporize. So the feeder thinks it is feeding the nozzle but there is nothing but hot air that is pushed out.

    (Possible)Solution: Put a box next to your model which has the same hight as your wanted part. This way the feeder has to flush the nozzle with fresh material and the feeder doesn’t have to chew on the same part of the wire over and over again. No tweaking on feeder, temperature, retraction or what so ever. Just print…

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