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Posts posted by Gurcan

  1. 20 micron print is nominally possible, but actually unrealistic. You could print at this resolution but:

    - the print would take FOREVER

    - the quality could be deceiving, especially on hoverhangs

    In practice, for an ultra quality print 0.06 will be the lower you will get.

    For one, if you asked me to print something at 0.02 I would refuse. And chances are that a 0.02 micron oder will be refused by many many other people with an Ultimaker and some printing experience.

    Thanks for this part. I didn't know 0.6 was preferable.

  2. Hi you can in principle monetize by listing the printer on 3Dhubs.com. However my experience is that just listing the printer will not be enough to get a flow of orders. You will need to advertise your hub somehow.

    1000 cm3 is approximately 1400 grams of PLA, so about two 750 gr spools. This will cost around 70-80 euros.

    It is unlikely though that you will have to print a 10 x 10 x 10 cube with 100% infill. A 10 x 10 x 10 object will typically have some voids in it (you will print it say 20-30% infill), and so this will be much much less plastic in fact.

    Thanks for the detailed answer.

  3. Hi, I consider buying an Ultimaker for personal projects. I think it will sit idle for most of the time. Is there a way to monetize my printer's time by offering printing services to local businesses/people? Has anyone one achieved that? No worries, I am in Turkey I won't be a competitor ;>)

    Extra question is, how much would it cost to print an object of size 10cmx10cmx10cm (1000cm^3)? Will it make me cry?

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