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Posts posted by 3DNubMast3r

  1. So right now I have an Ultimaker 2 with a Discov3ry Extruder and a regular heated extruder working at the same time. I was able to rewrite the original firmware using Arduino V1.0.6 to get both ports on the machine to work. I am using Repetier-Host V1.0.6 to run my Ultimaker 2. However I need to set the feedrates for the extruders at different speeds, because if i put the command "M92 E15000" into the G-code it will set that feedrate for both extruders, which is problematic for the heated extruder. Does anyone know how to set individual feedrates for each extruder?

    *This was originally in the general topic category, sorry.

  2. So right now I have an Ultimaker 2 with a Discov3ry Paste Extruder and a regular heated extruder from the Ultimaker 2 working at the same time. However I need to set the feedrates at different speeds, because if i put the command "M92 E15000" into the start G-code it will set that feedrate for both extruders, which is problematic for the heated extruder. Does anyone know how to set individual feedrates for each extruder?

    I am using Repetier Host V1.0.6 with my Ultimaker 2.

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