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Posts posted by leon_73

  1. Can anybody of you run Cura 15.06.02 on a kubuntu system?

    If I try to run it I get the following message:


    $ cura_app.py kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Brezza)"2015-07-18 10:11:15,390 - INFO - Loaded plugin ConsoleLogger2015-07-18 10:11:15,415 - INFO - Loaded plugin FileLogger2015-07-18 10:11:15,468 - INFO - Loaded plugin LocalFileStorage2015-07-18 10:11:15,470 - INFO - Loaded plugin MeshView2015-07-18 10:11:15,472 - INFO - Loaded plugin WireframeView2015-07-18 10:11:15,473 - INFO - Loaded plugin LayerView2015-07-18 10:11:15,475 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,476 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,478 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,479 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,481 - INFO - Loaded plugin GCodeWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,497 - INFO - Loaded plugin RotateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,499 - INFO - Loaded plugin SelectionTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,501 - INFO - Loaded plugin TranslateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,504 - INFO - Loaded plugin MirrorTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,507 - INFO - Loaded plugin ScaleTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,508 - INFO - Loaded plugin CameraTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,510 - INFO - Checking for new version of cura2015-07-18 10:11:15,513 - INFO - Loaded plugin UpdateChecker2015-07-18 10:11:15,518 - INFO - Loaded plugin USBPrinting2015-07-18 10:11:15,523 - INFO - Loaded plugin CuraEngineBackend2015-07-18 10:11:16,247 - DEBUG - Loaded theme /usr/share/cura/resources/themes/curafile:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Menu.qml:146: TypeError: Cannot read property '__contentItem' of nullfile:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Menu.qml:146: TypeError: Cannot read property '__contentItem' of nullfile:///usr/share/cura/resources/qml/SidebarSimple.qml:119:22: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool2015-07-18 10:11:16,403 - INFO - Started engine process: /usr/bin/CuraEngineQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( imageTexture ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( imageTexture ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_specularColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_shininess ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_specularColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_overhangColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_shininess ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_specularColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_overhangColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_shininess ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_ambientColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_diffuseColor ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( u_opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( opacity ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( textureScale ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( dpr ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQQuickCustomMaterialShader: Shader compilation failed:""QOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( src ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_SubRect_src ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( color ): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Opacity ): shader program is not linkedErrore di segmentazione (core dump creato)


    and there is a log file generated wich contains the following text


    $ cat cura.log 2015-07-18 10:11:15,415 - INFO - Loaded plugin FileLogger2015-07-18 10:11:15,468 - INFO - Loaded plugin LocalFileStorage2015-07-18 10:11:15,470 - INFO - Loaded plugin MeshView2015-07-18 10:11:15,472 - INFO - Loaded plugin WireframeView2015-07-18 10:11:15,474 - INFO - Loaded plugin LayerView2015-07-18 10:11:15,475 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,476 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJReader2015-07-18 10:11:15,478 - INFO - Loaded plugin OBJWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,479 - INFO - Loaded plugin STLWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,481 - INFO - Loaded plugin GCodeWriter2015-07-18 10:11:15,497 - INFO - Loaded plugin RotateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,499 - INFO - Loaded plugin SelectionTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,501 - INFO - Loaded plugin TranslateTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,504 - INFO - Loaded plugin MirrorTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,507 - INFO - Loaded plugin ScaleTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,508 - INFO - Loaded plugin CameraTool2015-07-18 10:11:15,510 - INFO - Checking for new version of cura2015-07-18 10:11:15,513 - INFO - Loaded plugin UpdateChecker2015-07-18 10:11:15,518 - INFO - Loaded plugin USBPrinting2015-07-18 10:11:15,523 - INFO - Loaded plugin CuraEngineBackend2015-07-18 10:11:16,247 - DEBUG - Loaded theme /usr/share/cura/resources/themes/cura2015-07-18 10:11:16,403 - INFO - Started engine process: /usr/bin/CuraEngine


    any way to fix it?

  2. Hi all,

    I've just downloaded the new version of CURA Cura_15.06.00 but it seems not working.

    If I run it ad comon use it does not start and gives no logs.

    If I run it as Admin, I get the following log:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "cura_app.py", line 8, in

    File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 326, in getInstance

    File "c:\dev\cura\cura\CuraApplication.py", line 64, in __init__

    File "c:\dev\python34\lib\configparser.py", line 937, in __getitem__

    KeyError: 'general'

    Could you check this out?

    Thank you


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