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Posts posted by michaelhauser

  1. I am new to Cura and am starting with 15.06, which I'm trying to use with my CubeX (single). I created a json file with customized settings. The generated gcode has a few minor problems that keep it from working with the CubeX without a bit of post-processing. I wrote a python script to do the post-processing, which I could convert it to a plugin when the post-processing plugin architecture is defined. However, there are only a few minor gcode changes needed and I'm wondering if these might be better handled elsewhere (as fixes or additional settings):

    - The gcode needs some text at the very top ("^Firmware:V1.07\r\n"). If I put this in the machine_start_gcode setting, it gets put in the gcode as the third line, after the initial M104 and M109 commands. Is there a setting that will let me insert text at the very top of the gcode? If not, shouldn't there be?

    - The gcode needs to have comments stripped. Is there a way to turn of gcode comments? Seems like this should be a setting.

    - The CubeX seems to need all lines to end with "\r\n" but there are a few places in the gcode where lines end only with "\n". This seems like a (minor) bug.

    - The filename extension needs to be .bfb rather than .gcode.

    With the minor changes above, the resulting gcode works fine on the CubeX Single (although I'm still dialing in the settings). Comments? I'll gladly post my json and Python code if anyone with a CubeX wants to try this.


    Michael Hauser

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