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Posts posted by ScottG2187

  1. I am trying to load 5 EPS files into Cura one at a time. I have successfully loaded 2 of them and converted to gcode files. These two were 61 KB and 64 KB. But the 3 smaller size EPS files. 2 KB, 9 KB, and 18 KB will not load. It says calculating (with ??? on both sides) like it is processing then stays stuck at around 20-25% on the progress bar... I've let it go for over an hour and nothing changes. I've tried loading files by double clicking in folder and by File >Open within Cura. Nothing works. I've tried re-downloading these files from the source and attempting. Still no difference. I can see the visual, just can't do anything. Why can the bigger files load and convert with no problem but smaller not at all? Any help or insight would be much appreciated.

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