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Posts posted by stacieppowell

  1. I just recently purchased a 3D printer for my library. I downloaded Cura 15.06.03 on my Macbook pro. All I'm getting is a blank build platform on the screen when I open any 3D print files on Cura - whether the files were the demo ones from the Ultimaker2 disk or they are ones I've downloaded from thingiverse. I can never see the image of what I've opened on my screen. I know it's there as I've been able to save it to the disk and then print but editing is not an option because I can't see it on my screen! I've uninstalled and reinstalled the software several times. Has anyone had this happen before? I've attached a screen shot of what I'm talking about. There should be grid lines and a dolphin (that's the .stl file I opened for printing) but as you can see...nothing.



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