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  1. How to change the retraction setting to make it better? And how to avoid it without slow the print speed?
  2. The retraction setting is length 5 and speed 40 Is that a retraction issue?
  3. Yes, it's PLA, and temp is 230 Also the travel speed is 250..
  4. The draw bench confused me. temp 230 speed 50 layer 0.2
  5. layer height 0.16 speed 60 temp 230 nozzle size 0.4
  6. I tried several times cleaning nozzle, but it doesn't work. Also I test PTFE Coupler, I can use material to get through without any resistance. I am so confused about solving this issue.
  7. Usually, 50-70mm/s. I find the main issue is the feeder wheel will go back sometimes.
  8. Recently I found there are several gaps on the shell, I tried different temperature between the 210 to 230, but it dosen't work. By the way, I use ultimaker PLA filament.
  9. [/media][/media] Since I had Ultimaker2, the printed stuff always has the issue of over hangs. I'm so confused how to set software to get a smooth surface? I had tried to turn down the temperature to 185, and increase the volume of fan speed to 200%. But it seems don't work. Here is my setting in cure. temperature: 200-205 layer height: 0.1 print speed: 40 travel speed: 120
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