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Posts posted by FilipTurzynski

  1. Hi,

    The question has to do with the lift at the beginning of each print. I need that turned off as it messes with autocompensation feature at the start of the actual printing.

    I've edited the startcode in printers .json file and this G1 Z20.5 command is not there. fdmprinter.def.json startcode has been wiped clean. And still, I find this in the G-code:

    /bit of startcode cut, a lengthy one because of nozzle priming, dual extrusion custom machine.



    G92 E0

    M203 Z3

    M109 S250

    G1 F3000 E-7.5


    G1 Z20.501

    G0 F12000 X85.67 Y265.578 Z0.75

    G1 Z0.25

    G1 F3000 E0


    Where does that come from?

    I know the extruder definitions have their own startcodes, but those are empty as well, for both.

    G-code flavor is set to Repetier.

  2. Hi all!

    So, my first reaction was YAY. And it remians so - soo many settings and innovative ones at that.

    I have quite a few printers and my expectations flew high when I saw Multi Material Support.

    But - this is only enabled for Original+? No way of adding a custom dual head printer?

    In cura 2.1 there was a .json for dual_extrusion_printer - in 2.3 there's nothing like this.

    Am I missing something obvious?

    I tried editing fdmprinter.json by adding another extruder_train but after that it just ditches all the definitions upon launching Cura. I also added two files for the extruders folder that corresponded with those defined in the fdmprinter.json. No results.

    So, am I missing something or that just isn't an option for now?

    Thanks a bunch!

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