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Posts posted by suncheez

  1. Good day.

    Today I've changed the original head to e3d v6. I've connected the radiator cooling fan to the second fan connector at the mainboard and it spinning well.

    Occasionally I've short-circuited the fan that cooling the plastic and BD679 transistor is gone for good, so the fan is spinning now at maximum speed all the time.

    But there are two symptoms that I can't get:

    1. Leaving UMO just powered on for a minute resulting switching it off (fan goes down, but the UController backlight is on) and then trying to power on without success.

    2. I'm setting the nozzle temp to any grade and then heater starts, UMO shows the temp is rising, but it passes the limit and goes up until I powering it off manually.

    I'm wondering what may I did burn out except the BD679?



  2. You don't want to buy an expensive UM2 head for your UMO... Take a look at some 3rd party quality products like the E3Dv6 (or v6 Lite)..


    Thanks a lot for the confirmation of my own research — I've ordered a new e3d v6 and can't wait to get it and give it a try. All the videos on YouTube are very promising.


    All problems you describe sound like there is a clog somewhere along the nozzle path. Perhaps it's been assembled wrongly, or your teflon coupler(the white thing) is deformed, that causes a lot of trouble.

    Have you tried an atomic pull? Google atomic pull ultimaker. It's somewhere here on the forums and in the knowledge base. Can you upload some pictures here of the extruder head after doing the pull?

    A bit of cleaning/a few new parts could solve all your problems :)


    I've reassembled and cleaned the head and the extruder about fifty times already, so theory tells that at least once I'd assemble it right. :)

    I've cleaned all the system with chems that wash out the PLA completely. So, the only reason of repeated failures may be in leaking melted hot filament counterward and cooling it higher than hot zone causing the stuck.

    I didn't make photos of the failures and really don't want to go through this pain again. I'll wait for the new head and... wish me a good luck. :)

  3. Good day.

    I'm the unhappy owner of the UM Original.

    I'm upset because the original print head is leaking, clogging and I've already pulled all the hairs from my head trying to solve this issue.

    I've bought the printer about two years ago and since the assembly the biggest successful print was the extruder ring.


    - the filament (original, bought with printer) won't pass the head every second print after cooling the head. I have to disassemble whole head to clean it out — huge pain in the ass

    - the filament is leaking causing underextrusion

    - the filament is eaten by knob bolt time to time and I've found that melted filament was pushed back from the head and that is the cause

    I suggest that the problem is the head, so I want to change it. May I use the UM2 head or I'm stuck with the original crap?

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