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Posts posted by hregfroop

  1. update

    I have since managed to use PEI sheet as a print surface, which i just taped down onto my bed. The adhesion is too good, and it tears when you take the print off, but thats still a lot better than I had before.  I'm printing at 385 degrees with a bed temp of 150. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think the bed temp has to be above the glass transition temperature, which is 143. I would get my bed to about 160 but it struggles enough at 150.  I'd like to be able to blow hot air over the print while it's happening to lesser the thermal gradient, but my heatgun runs colder than my hot end so i haven't had a lot of luck with that

  2. I have myself tried printing PEEK using an e3d v6 on a prusa i3. I've found that pt100 sensors will not work at the temperatures you need, and a k type thermocouple is much better. My PT100 sensors kept breaking at 350-400C. What bed temperatures have you been using? I've found that the hotter the better, but can't get past about 150. I'm printing on Kapton tape as it's the only thing i've found that doesn't break down at high temperatures.

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