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Posts posted by wade

  1. Maybe off topic, but I also had a heating problem after I had installed the olsson block.

    The problem was that the heating was too weak.

    I mentioned this to my provider (trideus) and they immediately offered me a 35 watt element. it appears to be a more common problem.

    Has to do with the material or a heater that is just too weak.

    After installing my printer works just as good, even better than before.

    What great service from my seller. (Trideus)

    for clarity, they gave me it for free.


    I installed the new 25w heater with the Olsson block, and I've had successful prints with no problems. Using PLA. Haven't tried any other material yet.

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  2. CRAZY!  I sent two 25W heaters to wisonsin at the exact same time.  The one to Neenah WI got there 4 DAYS ago!  Yours must be the other one.  You must be in the middle of nowhere!  An extra 5 days from Neenah WI to your town?  Wow.

    Or maybe just bad luck?

    Anyway why did you order a 25W?   Why not 35W or 40W?  If you are getting "heater error" then one simple fix is to just get more watts.  my 25W heater may be *less* wattage then the 25W heater from Ultimaker.  They all vary quite a bit.


    Heater installed and running. Running a test print right now. Everything appears to be working just fine. It may take a little longer to heat up than the old print head, but so far so good.

  3. Wade if you ordered on the 17th I would have thought you would have gotten it by now.  Checking orders I only see 2 orders on the 17th involving heaters and they were both only 25 watt and both went to people in Wisconsin.  Was one of those yours?  If you ordered from me you should have gotten a tracking number.  I was in Florida Dec 17 to 21 and my neighbors daughter did fulfillment and things were slow (maybe an extra day delayed at worst).


    Yeah, I'm in WI. With the holidays in sure it's been delayed. I have the tracking number, but usps has terrible tracking. I'll let you know when it's been received. Happy xmas!

  4. The firmware gives the heater error when not enough temp increase is reached within a certain time. Too much cooling on the head, not enough power for the heater or hardware failure can trigger this. The error is there to prevent bad things from happening if the hardware failure is the issue.


    I have heard about the firmware with a temperature increase timeout. Can the code for this be modified to either disable, or increase the heating time?

  5. Maybe off topic, but I also had a heating problem after I had installed the olsson block.

    The problem was that the heating was too weak.

    I mentioned this to my provider (trideus) and they immediately offered me a 35 watt element. it appears to be a more common problem.

    Has to do with the material or a heater that is just too weak.

    After installing my printer works just as good, even better than before.

    What great service from my seller. (Trideus)

    for clarity, they gave me it for free.


    Valid point. I'm thinking a reduced fan speed, and slower extrusion speed should prevent any premature cooling. Hopefully I find out today when the part arrives.

  6. No heat?  At first I was going to say it's probably touching the fan shroud but if you get no heat then the heater wire came loose or got damaged.  Hopefully the wire just fell out underneath the printer.  You could for example measure the resistance of the heater from underneath also - it should be about 23 ohms for a 25W heater although in practice they are often lower wattage.  Anyway if it measures infinite ohms then it's probably destroyed (sorry).  In USA I sell heaters at a reasonable price at my store here or you can get them at fbrc8.com:



    Thanks for the reply. I tested the heater, and I got nothing. It is possible that the wires were damaged when I was pulling the thermo couple through. Looks like I need a new one.

  7. Hi,

    I just installed the Olsson block that came with our Ultimaker 2 Extended. We have ran a few parts though the printer before changing to the Olsson block. After having damaged the thermo couple attempting to remove it, I replaced it with the spare that came with the system. I'm currently getting a "Heater Error", with no detectible heat coming from the head.

    Please advise.

    Thank you.

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