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Posts posted by robboz4

  1. I'm using 15.04.03 on a Mac and a PrintrBot Play and I have noticed that the last several layers for a model print really slow making the time estimate wrong. I 'm not sure if I have a setting set somewhere that is causing it. Nothing seems to come to mind. For example I printed the all-in-one print elephant, LFS_elephant .stl, and the last several layers of the ears took over 20 minutes. The issue doesn't seem to happen when printing a test 3mm box, only on a curved surface.

    I tried searching the forum, but could not seem to find anything to match what I'm seeing.

    Can anyone guide me to a solution?



  2. I think I understand the issue now. I had a PrintrBot Play selected as the printer type. It looks like this file might be too big for the Play's bed. I changed printer type to a larger printer model and slicing now works. I'll see if what the print looks like after I finished the current job.

    Is there anywhere I could check for a Cura error or information from Cura when something like this happens? I relatively new to Cura

  3. Thanks, but no luck! I had a model previously loaded. I did a clear platform and loaded in this model. It kept the same printing details of the pervious model. If you go into layer view the old model is still there. All other files are working except this one.

    I tried every combination of the A, B setting but nothing seems to work... have a 0 value in the other field..

  4. I'm using 15.04.3 on an iMac. Not sure what or where to find the second number. When the model is loaded there is no slice log output available. When I get a model that slices I get the log available. It seems when this file loads, Cura doesn't recognize it or try to launch the slicer.

  5. I trying to make the model of Stephenson's Rocket from Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:564002

    but the main platform (01_the_bottom_plate.stl) does not get sliced by Cura. I've tried and printed several of the parts already, but this part doe not seem to slice. It loads and is in the view window. No time or filament length show up so the save/print icon is always greyed out. If you look at slicing window there is only one layer. I have used mesh mixer and even Makerbot software to re-save it as a new STL file, but these files exhibit the same issue in Cura. I have printed the model previously on a makerbot, but it print warped, so I wanted to reprint a new version from Cura. Any clues as to why it is not slicing in Cura?

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