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Posts posted by Atibbles

  1. I've tried the fix horrible settings, did not make things less horrible. I'm uploading to Make Printable now, I'll see how that does. The file keeps failing to upload to netfabb online now, despite it being 83MB.

    I've been working with meshlab but I just don't know enough. If you know how to get rid create just an outer surface as a single shell from merged meshes, please let me know.

  2. Hello Everyone,

    I've recently done a multiple scan of a large object with varying level of details, after meshing them all together (there's a few floating levels on the inside) but the strange thing is that in layer view of cura there are random, actually random not where the stl is split, layers missing and I can't figure out why, everyone I know is stumped and the internet hasn't provided so far.

    Has anyone had this before?




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