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Posts posted by eviL1776

  1. 26937-printing-a-design-with-infil-exposI am trying to make a mold for a wax part, I want to have a print that is open on the top and bottom for cooling but I want the floor of the cavity to be solid.

    I can have the bottom open by setting the bottom thickness to 0 but if I set the to to 0 the cavity ends up with a open base. I have pictures of what I want but don't know how to add them to this. i have seen this done on other printer software by setting it to not print the top 10 layers. Is that possible with Ultimaker Cura? Note: I have a Ultimaker S5

    the first 2 images were printed by someone else the last is what happens in cura leaving the top and bottom set to 0




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