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Posts posted by CHEWITT

  1. Hi Neotko,

    I'm currently away from my printer right now but will get photos up as soon I can. To me however, there doesn't seem to be any obvious signs of anything worn or broken. I did attempt to take the feeder apart but as i was about to pull the two halves away i stopped and wanted to see what you guys suggested.

    Looking at the disassembly guide the feeder it doesn't seem as if it would stop/disengage the stepper motor gear from the feeder wheel? It seems that the gear at the end of the motor is being pushed back and suddenly not meshing with the wheel! Very strange!

  2. After searching and combing through this forum for the issue I cannot seem to find a solution

    So what's happening is my printer decides it no longer wants to extrude filament mid print. I have tried this on 2 different files and both have the same result. At first I thought it was a blocked nozzle but I swapped for a new one and it was doing the same thing, I even stripped the extruded head to see if it was the coupler but that looks fine. From what I can see it seems to be an issue with the feeder mechanism, I have noticed it's been making some clicking noises on the last print it failed on and no matter how much I loosen or tighten the feeder screw it just doesn't want to comply.

    So after taking off the feeder unit I did notice the cog on the motor shaft was a lot further back and not engaging on the feeder wheel, I ended up pulling this forwards to help mesh together and this seemed to have solved the issue....until 3 hours into a print and what I find is the head moving to lay down filament and a big ol' space of nothing it's printing on! Looks like the filament stopped extruding 2 hours in! And now the motor for the feeder turns....but the feeder itself isn't at all, I suspect the gears aren't meshing for some reason.

    So I'm lost! Hoping you guys could shed some light on this issue. I've had the printer for 5 months and this is my first major issue.


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