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Posts posted by salemgames

  1. Ouai je l'ai déjà vu hier mais j'ai tout semble nickel.

    Sauf que je n'ai pas de fil brun, bleu, blanc les miens sont tous noir ^^

    Et là en remettant la machine en route re message Error.....

    Bref j'avais déjà envoyé un billet auquel ils m'ont répondu avec les instructions basique et je leur ai re-répondu....


    Bonjour, je suis tombé sur ce topic (qui date d'1 an).

    je rencontre le même problème que toi sur mon plateau chauffant. (mais pour ma part sur une original +).

    As tu solutionné le problème à l'époque ? As tu été obligé de changer le plateau ou as tu pu le réparer par toi même ?

    Merci d'avance

  2. There is no "shut down" procedure as such.... I think a lot of people like to let the print head cool down before turning the printer off... For some actively cooled hotend types it is actually a requirement.

    For the "Resume/stop" question, I am not sure what you mean...  If you power off the printer mid-print, it is very hard to resume that print again at a later time.... This would require you to first make sure that the print stays stuck to the print bed (the UMO+ has a heated bed, so this would typically mean keeping the bed warm, which again means keeping the printer on).

    Then you would have to measure or in other ways figure out, at what layer you stopped the print, then edit your gCode to disregard all the parts that were already printed, home the printer at the z height the print stopped at and then start printing the remaining gCode.

    If you are looking for simple ways to temporarily pause a print these should be available on the UltiController... Though as far as I know, that option will not park the printhed, but simply stop it over the printed part, resulting in melting from the heat radiation and oozing onto the print.

    Cura also has a "Pause at height" plugin that you can add to your slice if you know you want a pause at a specific height... eg. to put in little inserts in your print or similar.

    That one has a park coordinate, that lets you move the head away from the print.

    Bot of these methods are resumed again via the UltiController...

    Thank you tommyph,

    I was afraid to damage my printer just by directly switching on / off button. I've got a problem with my heated bed with the message "ERROR : MAXTEMP ERROR BED" (but I think it's surely relative to the connector of the heated bed and not the way I power off the printer). I read on internet that some users prefer to use "cooldown" before powering the printer off. According to whqt I read, It's very rare, but in some cases, the heated bed continue to heat even after the end of the print.

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