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Posts posted by Dirtrider07

  1. Hey SandervG,

    I don't remeber it giving me the option to pick the firmwear, this is the first time I used it and loaded cura 15.04.5. I do not have a unicontroler on it so it runs right from the pc. On the initial setup it asked which UM you had, I chose "Original", then it has check boxes for any upgrades like the heat bed, I did not pick the heat bed so it would not register, it then told me to hit the " Upgrade Firmwear but did not say what version nor did it give me the option too. Is there a location on the web to allow you to chose what firmwear to use?

    The max temp issue comes into play on the heat bed, would the top of my print head have anything to do with the bed? Again I am a new user and inherited this machine that has troubles so I am systematically trying to eliminate one issue at at time.

    Thanks for you patience with me as press forward to hopefully some fun and fantastic printing

  2. Hello,

    First time to post and I would like to piggy back onto this post as well. I just inherited a UMO with the upgraded heat bed, currently getting max temp warning from the bed that would not allow the printer to run, so I disabled it, I will tackle that after this issue.

    I too am having an issue with distance on an axis. Mine is the z(height). When calibrating the bed as it asks you to move the bed up to the nozzle you can do it in .2 or 10mm. When I push Up 10mm the plate actually moves up about 24mm???? Now when I try to print a 10x10x10 cube I get a 10x10x26.5.

    Please help us out on our issue.

    Thank you all in advance

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