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Posts posted by Ddot

  1. I was looking through the forums for any similar issue, and this is exactly what is happening with our printer:


    Unfortunately there seems to be no responses.

    This just started happening today. I have made no hardware changes in the past 3 weeks and use this every day. I have manually inspected my gcode and there is nothing wrong with the script. This behaviour occurs usually somewhere between layers 0 and 5. I am printing small parts one at a time (one part in one gcode). I am able to print 0-5 parts successfully before all of a sudden this issue happens, and effectively grinds the filament due to the crazy fast extruder speed, necessitating a material swap. After changing out the material, if I turn off the system for a couple minutes, it seems to work again, printing with the same gcode file during which the issue occurred.

    Not sure if this is hardware or software... Suggestions?

  2. I am in the process of dealing with the retraction issue as well going from part to part (which should be a similar problem to pausing/restarting). You can alternatively set retraction to 0 and wipe the nozzle on an existing part surface before horizontally moving it off the build surface (right before pausing) to help with the hairs. Cura by default has the z height increase after a pause/moving to next part. You may be introducing an issue of restarting the parts if any material oozes out during the pause, for which you would need to reprime before resuming.


  3. Tweaking the first layer is possible with version 4.0.3 or higher.

    TweakAtZ 4.0.4


    Thanks for the reply! I will try out your tweaks on the tweaks!

    I spent the majority of yesterday playing around with the settings to discover that for the version I'm using (I updated it last week - 15.04.5, plugin v4.0.2), the tweaks happen after the layer # set. In other words, if I set "(ALT) Layer no. to tweak at"=2, then the tweaks will activate starting at layer 3. And unfortunately, layer 0 does not seem to be editable.


    Unfortunately, the code you linked does not seem to work, either. The first layer is still using the settings in Material.txt. When I set the plugin to start at layer 0, it again starts after layer 0 is finished, effectively applying the settings for layer 1 (the second layer).

  4. Grab the edge of the left panel of cura and drag it to the right. A tiny little "X" will appear at the top right of the plugin which you can click to remove it.


    Nevermind, got it... was not interpreting "grab" as "expand". I'm a laptop so I don't see the "x" until I expand the panel so it takes up half of my screen.

    Any suggestions on the second question?

  5. I have a Ultimaker 2+ (upgrade kit). I am printing tiny parts, and have been trying to use the plugins to modify the first few layers. However, I am having some difficulty with using these plugins:


    Once I add a "Tweak at Z" step/plugin, there seems to be no way to remove it. How can I delete specific plugins? The only workaround I've found is to previously save the profile, and reload an old one with less/no plugins.

    What parameters do I use to start the modification during the first layer? Specifically, I want to modify the temperature and overall speed for the first 4 layers, then thereafter to on as normally set. I have tried setting "z height to tweak at (mm)" to -1.0, 0, 0.0001, and this step/plugin does not seem to engage. Instead, the default settings from Material.txt override this first plugin. I have tried also setting "(ALT) Layer no. to tweak at" to -1, 0, and 1, and again, this first plugin does not engage. The proceeding plugin(s) that I set to start at Layer no. 2 or 3 does work perfectly fine.



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