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  1. Thanks. I will see what I can find out about these types of systems,
  2. So, standard inkjects can fire off stacatto droplets because the inks they use are Newtonian? In current 3D printer nozzles is the output a stream due to the stickiness? Are there any nozzle configurations that can deliver digital pulses to break a stream into droplets? Can pressurized air be added to the nozzle input? Thanks for you patience with what may be dumb questions.
  3. Thanks. As a thought experiment -what would happen if the nozzle squirted (sorry about the amateur terminology) pico to nano ml pulses of polymer into a cold liquid - maybe water. What do you think would happen?
  4. Thanks for your quick reply. Can you explain why not - for someone who has no real understanding of the process?
  5. I am trying to develop sustained release pharmaceutical formulations (eg injections that would last a month). If there was a way to print 100 micron spheres of a drug/polymer mixture that would be great - no other good way of getting regular spheres of that diameter with spray drying etc. I am a complete newbie to 3-D printing but it seems like it could be done. We can produce a 1 mm to 2 mm rope made up of the drug & polymer for the feed. Does anybody have any experience doing something like this? Thanks Tom
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