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Posts posted by mattg

  1. Hi, I have a project coming up where I would like to 3d print an object onto a plastic sheet so that the two pieces are permanent. I know I could print two objects and bond them, or use dual extruders, but I want it to bond to base sheet because the model has a low height and many separate sections.

    Similar to 3d printing text onto the base sheet if you like.

    If I was to 3d print the base the quality would be no where near as good and as I have a few to do it would be labour intensive.

    Anyway, before I start experimenting, has anyone had any experience of this, or have any pointers?

    I know the mechanics of it, eg positioning and leveling off the sheet to start, but I am wandering the best choice of materials for both extruding and the base sheet, and whether I should cover the base sheet with a bonding agent which won't t affect the asphetics. I am looking forward to solving this one and would appreciate any tips or guidance that anybody could suggest!



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