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Posts posted by KnarlyNick

  1. Hi @KnarlyNick,

    Welcome to the forums! Usually when your circles are not round this means that one, or both of your short belts are not tight enough. You can tighten them by loosening the 4 screws that hold the X or Y motor in its place, push it down as far as you can, and tighten them again.

    If you do this for both X and Y motor, you should see much rounder cylinders :)


    Thanks for the tip and it definitely made it better, but the is still a slight deformation which makes the the nut and bolt not screw together still?
  2. I recently bought a Ultimaker Original plus, its great but I have one problem and that is when I try to print a cylinder type shape, it comes out a bit like a square and not a perfect cylinder if you look closely in the picture and the nut and bolt cant screw in together because of that. Can you please help me with this. I am using PLA.




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