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Posts posted by Nerrad

  1. Your print looks like you have no or very little fan.  I would mount another fan or direct the fan flow better at the print and make sure fan is at 100% by about 1mm off the bed (you want fan off for the very bottom layer).

    Also reducing nozzle temp might help.  Ignore absolute values like "180C is good" as 200C on an Ultimaker is probably 20C different then 200C on an i3.


    Thanks for the reply I have looked at the fan idea but I cant find a way to mount a fan to my set up. Yes I know i'm a compleat noob lol 20160906_224635445_iOS.thumb.jpg.d976c9326e137093e73b35f53d1d5c36.jpg


  2. Hi I have a reprap Prusai3 and I have just finished building it and have spent the last 2 days fiddling with the settings to try and get a good print, after many small cubes i have a cube that looks ok still needs improving that I thoughti would print something else which as you can see from the photo didnt come out very well any ideas on what settings that need to be changed.

    many thanks in advance







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