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Posts posted by motis

  1. Just got back to using my UMO from a about three years ago. When last used it ( 6 mos ago) worked like a champ. Noted that all looked normal, i.e., able to level table and do intial testing. Tried to print simple cylinder. At about 10% I noticed that extrusion had quit and that the temperature was at about 168C. (Setpoint was 220 C). I made the assumption that I had a bad heater or t/c. I had a complete new replacement kit for the hot end and changed it all out. Tried the same cylinder. Exactly same result , observing temperature from beginning. Heated up normally (220C), when extrusion began worked OK for about 2 minutes then began to see the Actual temperature drop over time to about 168C. I noted that Extrusion quit about 170C.

    Tried other things I had printed successfully in the past with similar results. I downloaded the latest version of CURA and updated the firmware on the UMO. It does the same thing , starts normally, temperature falls off and extrusion quits.

    My real problem is that I Mentor/Coach an FTC Robotics team. We are badly in need of printing some parts before the next meet. Any thoughts, tests, suggestions.

    Thanks in advance for you help.

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