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Posts posted by jvcraen

  1. Hoy,

    We now run the modified firmware as proposed by ETIX and our printer transformed in an intense light source. The 24V leds can do their job at last.

    I am new in the world of 3D printing, which means that I am haunted by many unanswered questions.

    Suppose you receive an UMO+ as a New Years present from a friend. How can you know which firmware has been uploaded into the Arduino memory? On the display of our printer eg. you will get the cryptic answer: Control -> firmware version -> DEV. 250000_single.

    When I look at the comments, replies, hints... on the internet it seems important to get a bit more information than that. Because depending on the firmware version, origin, flavour ... the printer is loaded with, it is going to respond differently to the led problem. Version12.9 seems to work version 12.14 not, modified UMOP-250000.hex is OK, the UMOP-250000.hex which came with our Cura version (2.3.0) is not and so on. Is there a satisfying answer to our question?

    Any comments?

    And by the way a very Happy New Year to you all.

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